Day 2624 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Proverbs 1:33 NIV Whoever has ears, let them hear. That's one of those messages that you'll find all over the Bible. It's found nearly ten times in the Gospels alone! As one of my college professors always used to say, "If I say something more than once, it's probably something you should remember." That's where our modern world has gone off course. There's plenty of messages. There are plenty of people who love to talk. There are no shortage of folks who are willing to share whatever's on their mind. But we don't listen. In a society like we've built, all the talking just drowns itself out. People talk over one another. One message gets shared louder and more frequently than another. People only pay attention to things they already agree with and completely tune out everything that goes against their opinions or comes from a different perspective. So we've gotten to this place where it almost doesn't matter what you say or how badl...