Prayer Requests

One of the main reasons for wanting to branch out from my social media pages is that I want to start a place for prayer requests. I truly believe in the amazing power of prayer, and seeing as how I'm hoping to turn The Forge into a community of fellow believers, why not pray with and for one another? So I wanted to add a place on the blog for people to post their prayer requests. It's also a chance to find people who need prayer if you feel called to pray for them. After all, we are all in this together, so we may as well lean on one another and help in any way that we can.

So feel free to share whatever is on your mind. We all know that life can often just get hard. We each face tough times and things that we simply don't understand. If you're in need of some extra prayers, you're in the right place! 


  1. Prayers for surgery for Chris on Monday.

    1. Amen! Definitely been praying for that one, I know that it'll all go smoothly and he will be back to normal in no time!

  2. Prayers for all every corner of our lives right now. God knows the outcome.

    1. Yes He does, and He won't lead us where He can't keep us. Sometimes He leads us to a change we wouldn't have chosen to make on our own, and it usually ends up going better than we can imagine. He really does know what's best, and He will always get us there if we just trust in Him. Definitely been praying for everyone and all that's going on!

  3. Prayers for Casey, going to the Dr. tomorrow and looking for answers and healing.

    1. Absolutely!! She's definitely due to get better, been a long time coming and glad she's finally getting some people on her side to help!

  4. Actually want to send this one up for you. In the midst of all of the mess going on want to say a prayer for you and your blog. For the verses, the thoughts, the prayers and for God's will to be done for this mission you are on.

    1. Thank you so much Mom!! I can honestly say that there are days that I have no idea what I'm doing or what to say. But I think we all have those. All we can do is keep going. The amount of support and encouragement you've given me ever since I started is more amazing than I can say. I can never thank you enough for every comment, every like, every share, every prayer, everything. I seriously appreciate every single bit of it! Some days it feels like just a conversation between me and you in a comment section, but even if that's all it ever amounts to that's more than I could have asked for or dreamed of. You've seriously helped me learn and grow all along the way and I honestly appreciate it! Thank you again for everything MoMo! Love you and thank you for continuing to encourage and inspire me every single day!!

    2. Thank you for the daily verses and word. You may be the only Bible some ever read.

    3. Well, I figure I may as well keep it going. I've learned a lot and they've helped me more than I can believe. And if they can help someone else then it's more than worth it! Thanks for reading all of them. Can't tell you how much I appreciate all the support!!

  5. Prayers for Uncle Fred and Aunt Carolene. For all those struggling with health issues and healing.

    1. Amen! Amazing people and I know that God has them wrapped up and He will see them through this somehow some way!

  6. Replies
    1. Amen, amen, and AMEN!! Been one of those periods where it seems harder to find than normal. And with the way things are going in our world, who knows when it might come back around. But thankfully He is still in control, and even when all that's going on around us makes no sense, we can still trust that it makes sense to Him!


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