Day 2045 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Luke 15:4 NIV

Yesterday we talked about trusting that God has a purpose for His plans. Everything we face in life is there for a reason, and we can get something out of every trial in our path. I'm truly thankful that God doesn't give up on us or on the plans He has for our lives. Often times it may feel like tough love, but it's all just because He knows what we're capable of and won't give up on getting us where He knows we can be.

We've all spent a large portion of our lives running away. From trials, from fears, from pain, from God. Whenever we see difficulties up ahead, we run the other direction. We want to just be left alone to do things our way so that we can make sure we find the path of least resistance. But God wants better for us than we even want for ourselves. And He will never give up pursuing us to lead us back to His path to the best life we could possibly live.

I'm 32 years old, and oddly enough, I've discovered very recently that I know far less than I used to think I knew. I'm learning new things, seeing new things, and experiencing God's grace in new ways every single day. All those years of doing it my way, running away from God and His plans, only left me lost and in this miserable existence of merely surviving from one day to the next.

But He never gave up on me. He walked with me down every broken road I chose to take. He picked me up every time that my way of living knocked me down. He healed everything I hurt, and fixed everything I broke. He chased me down all that time just waiting for me to wise up and stop running after all these other things that I thought I needed and wanted.

We've all lived that lost life. Surrounded by people and things we once thought were good for us only to be let down time and time again. Just know that God hasn't given up on you. He hasn't tossed His plans in the trash and lost hope of you turning back to Him. And He never will!

Guys, His plans may seem different and scary compared to ours. But they will lead us to some things that we will never find without Him: peace, fulfillment, gratitude, humility, hope, and a kind of joy that doesn't exist apart from Him. Just give Him a chance and you'll find that you don't have to run around looking for something good anymore. He has all the good that we could ever hope to find!


  1. It's a great feeling knowing that he loves us so much that he will never leave us.

  2. I’m amazed how often I read people’s comment that God abandoned or left us. That’s easy to say in our blinders we see out of. Blinders that let you see a small fraction of this world and the power He holds. He loves you and will chase you down every time. His love never lets you go. When we see that, like you do, we will see it’s all a test. To see how far we are willing to live out our lives. You can’t live sheltered or in fear bc fear and anxiety is a bad liar. Thanks for bringing this to light

    1. Exactly! It's never Him that moves or wanders off, always us. But like you said, it just gives us a chance to see more of who He is and encourages us to stop leaving His side to go off chasing all this other junk.


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