Random Thoughts


Like it or not, we have to have a personal investment in our faith for it to ever be the personal relationship that it has to be. Unfortunately, I fear that all of have, at least in some way, grown very accustomed to the mannerisms of this world in which we live for this moment. I'm afraid that we're used to allowing every manner of external influence do our thinking for us. And while the concepts of things like peer-pressure and the new mindset bred by the ever-connected false reality of social media are nothing new to us, the damage they risk is something we've likely not given much consideration.

It's no longer simply the headlines or media outlets or entertainment industries that share these highly invasive theories and ideas and opinions. These days, we're so connected that we can't help but be barraged with a new mountain of external input every single day. And while it would be really nice if more of it were helpful and healthy, unfortunately the counter is undeniably evident. Much of the whirlwind spinning around us anymore is filled with hatred, darkness, foolish comparisons, and quite arguably more nice-sounding lies than ever before.

And we've gotten used to all that external input. We've gotten used to allowing others to tell us what's happening. We've become products of the messages and motives of a world obviously motivated by highly suspect prerogatives. We've slowly, almost the point of being unnoticeable, given away our responsibilities to make our own choices and live our own lives. Instead, we only believe what our friends say. We trust in only our favorite news outlets. And we glean our growth from the messages hidden in the latest catchy song that has taken radios by storm.

But what I want everyone to understand is that this is our souls we're talking about. This is your soul that's on the line. This is the diving line between eternal peace and eternal punishment. And simply put, knowing the limitless promises held by eternity, we ought to be putting far more emphasis on ensuring that what we're doing, watching, listening to and taking part in is propelling us in the right direction. As much as we'd prefer it some other way, we can't rely on anyone else to accept our gift of our salvation from our Savior.

We can't lean on a pastor to make sure we get home at the end of this. We can't toss out a bunch of witty lyrics we memorized during our time here. We can't simply fall back on this assumption that everyone is leading us right, because honestly, many simply are not. This world is truly filled with wolves in sheep's clothing, and we're only fooling ourselves by thinking otherwise.

The main issue is that we detest the idea of personal responsibility. And so we'll accept, believe, completely fall for whatever we can as long as it sounds good enough knowing that if it proves false, then we've got someone or something else to blame for our failures to make the better choices we should have made. If a singer hides a somewhat twisted ideology in their songs, well, that's on them for not respecting us enough to keep things upright and true. If a TV show displays some rather graphic scenes or obscene language, well, the writers should know better than put that out there for anyone and everyone to maybe stumble across.

If a preacher gets a sermon out of context, well, that's his fault. No, it's ours for not looking into Scripture for ourselves.

It's our fault for not listening or watching or reading or thinking or living with discernment. Friends, as I said above, this our eternal souls on the line. And while pastors and singers and entertainers and influencers can share messages that are hopefully laden with truth and aimed at encouraging us toward Christ, it is completely on us to ensure that we are walking the right direction and not allowing anything or anyone to keep yanking us backward.

In our faith, that personal connection is simply crucial. We have to build a relationship with Christ, not simply with a bunch of others who claim to be doing so. This has to be personal, because we find ourselves standing all alone before the judgement seat of the good Lord above, it will be very personal then. And if we failed or fell short, we'll have nobody to turn to when we're turned away from the promise that apparently didn't mean enough to warrant our full devotion and utmost care.


  1. Walk on, go forward even if it's just one step in fornt of the other. Hw will never leave us.

    1. Amen! Even the tiniest movement in the right direction is better than huge steps backwards!

  2. Good message. We are the exact people God made us to be.

    1. Amen, never a reason to be anything different!

  3. Amen. This is the day the Lord has made.

    1. Absolutely, no reason to miss out on enjoying it because it's the only time we get to see it!

  4. We know that this is not our home, not our forever. So be happy.

    1. Amen! That's seriously one of my favorite promises to think about!

  5. Patient in affliction and hopeful in prayer. Be not like the waves on the ocean but what you ask for in prayer believe that you shall recieve. The BIble talks alot about prayer. It is our direct line to speak with our Savior and Father. How lucky are we.

    1. Amen, seriously well said. There's just this peace that's found in prayer that is honestly unlike anything else. Just knowing that the God who created all this is listening and cares enough to help is mind blowing!

  6. Couldn't agree more. Thought of people who have shown me kindness and made a difference in my life and people I have been nice to and hopefully made a difference in theirs. God is all around us every minute. Let him show us his chances.

    1. Amen!! It's really amazing to think that ordinary people like you and I could potentially make a massive impact in someone's life. And as you said, we've definitely gotten to experience some great people who invested in us as well. Kind of one of those pay it forward things. We've been given so many good things, and we have the chance to share good with others.

  7. As you say we may be the only Bible some ever read.

    1. Exactly, and that's an opportunity that we can never take lightly!

  8. Totally agree. Be yourself because that's who our father wants us to be.

    1. Amen, we're the only ones that ever can be!

  9. Good message and Happy Birthday Casey.

  10. So true and so need to be heard. Listening to God than listening to the world around us. That's the biggest statement because he knows what is right and good and we can completely and fully trust him with our lives.

    1. Exactly! This world will only tell us what it wants us to hear, or what it thinks we want to hear. God cuts through all the nonsense and tells us the truth. That will always help us grow more than being lied to.

  11. Good advice. Dont stay down keep going.

  12. Totally agree. I know the whole saying "you can't take it with you" but it's about to, it's about being thankful for everyday we are given and want to know God better, want to walk with Jesus that we do not want for all the wordly things.

  13. Interesting how you got to the point with that quote. It's like a hand up not a hand out. Be there to help but not to go to the point that it is not seen as helping. Good post.

    1. Thank you!! I think it's easy to go from helping to pushing and when we start being too pushy, then nobody's going to want to listen. It's best to just be gentle and kind and not go too far and end up making things worse.

  14. The fact that you are seriously honest is amazing. Admitting to ones faults and growing as a person is a admirable trait and shows that we are all flawed. But we are loved and forgiven and that makes us blessed. And yeah everyone does it.

    1. I have a bad habit of doing or saying things and then almost instantly feeling horrible for it, and then needing to apologize so that I can feel a bit better. I think we need to always pay attention to when we mess up. I know most are afraid to admit their mistakes, but it's the mistakes that help us grow the most!

    2. Absolutley. We already are blessed. We have a loving Father, a wonderful Savior and a home in Heaven.

  15. He gives us everything we need. We need nothing more. Maybe instead of trying to get more, help those with less, food, shelter and the basics that we all need.

    1. Amen! When our focus is on what we want, we'll never have enough. But when we realize all that we've been given, we'll realize we have plenty to share!

  16. Amen. Stop and smell the flowers, enjoy the rain and remember God created all this beauty.

    1. Exactly! No reason to miss all the amazing things around us!

  17. The days of the bad are running out. How true. With every passing day his return is closer. It doesn't matter how long he will come back and we should be ready and waiting.

    1. Amen! Can't wait for all this madness to be over and done with, but until then, we just gotta keep trusting in God!

  18. Keep going, he is right in front of us.

  19. Well put and I like that you are sharing artist that are good. Need all the good in this world we can.

    1. Thank you! There are a lot of good people out there doing good, and we need all that we can get!

  20. Amen. He is limitless and if we just let him have our lives, our hope and our hearts he will do great things.

    1. Amen!! There's nobody that He can't use for amazing things, we just have to trust Him!

  21. We have a God that will always fight for us. Really love your blog.

    1. Amen! We never face anything alone, and with Him by our side, we have nothing to worry about. Thank you so much for the amazing support and encouragement all along! It really does mean a lot!

  22. Well put. We think we need clothes, shoes that cool television or a fancy car but we don't. Noon of those things will get us tp Heaven, can save us or loves us. Lean on him, he really does give us life.

    1. Amen!! We've gotta stop treating all this stuff like it can actually do something for us, it just can't. Only God can provide all we need, so to look to anything else is only going to let us down.

  23. Good point. If we stay the same forever we never learn anything new.

    1. Amen! And that's a sad way to live because there's always something to learn, always something good to find!

  24. Well put. Sometimes change is good. Plus think about it this way, we were all sinners so if we didn't change we would have no hope. Trust God and put one foot in front of the other.

    1. Amen, that's about the best example ever! If we don't change then we're never going to be able to experience God's way of doing things. And that's definitely not something we want to miss!

  25. Another good point. All we have is the right now. We can hope for our tomorrow's but be glad for our todays.

    1. Thank you, and Amen!! It's good to have goals and be working toward something, but each day is a piece of that journey, so we can't afford to skip any day that we're given.

  26. Totally agree. Wonderful thing to just do something nice. God blesses us every day so we can be a blessing to.

    1. Amen! It just makes you feel better to do something good for someone else. It's one of those feelings that you just can't get when you're focused on yourself all the time.

  27. Amen. Imagine that he could use people like us to do amazing things.

    1. It really is pretty much unbelievable! I know I've done some messed up stuff and gotten more things wrong than I'll ever get right. But it's not about us, it's what He can do through us! Amazing!!

  28. Count it as a blessing when we face trials. I like how you put it, we need to grow and nothing grows by being the same all the time.

    1. Thank you, and exactly! It's not always comfortable or easy, but God knows what we need to make us the best we can be. We just need to trust in His process!

  29. Amen. Let go and let God.

  30. Replies
    1. Thank you!! Feels good to be back in the swing of things, and thanks for sticking with me!

  31. Amen. Don't forget who's in control and how this ends. Tomorrow is a new day and we have no idea what it holds but we can have faith because God holds it.

    1. Amen! I've always loved that little saying: I don't know what tomorrow holds, but I know Who holds it! Peaceful, and really helps us to be able to just be happy knowing that it's all good!

  32. Amen. Don't need to yell to be heard, don't need to fight to win.

    1. Exactly! Makes it hard to tell how important the message is if we have to yell to share it!

  33. Amen. Love the way you put that, filter everything through our faith.

    1. Thank you! It's just that there's so much out there, and most of it pointless or just pitiful. So when we run everything through our faith, then we can see what really matters!

  34. We are capable of more than we know. Maybe it's as simple as a smile or sending up a prayer. Times a ticking so we busy.

    1. Amen!! We can and will do amazing things when we simply choose to follow Him. And it's the kind of difference that our world and everyone in it really needs!

  35. Another good comment. Let it go. We would not want our last minutes here to be doing something against what we are here for.

    1. That's an absolutely amazing way to look at it! If this happened to be my last moment on earth, would I want it to be about me or something bigger?

    2. Good point. Everyday is closer to the end rather than the beginning. Enjoy life, smell the roses, eat one more slice of pizza, watch the sunset, spend time in prayer, walk with Jesus, trust God, make a difference. Big or small it's a good thing.

    3. That's without a doubt one of the most powerful things I've read!! There's so much to enjoy, and taking it all so seriously only sucks the life out of us. It only keeps us from enjoying this story that He's written just for us. And that's something we don't want to miss!

  36. Amen. Wonderfully put. Tomorrow is a new day and God is already there. Hold on to Jesus he will get us through.

    1. Thank you!! It's a truly peaceful hope to know that He's always working and the best is still ahead.

  37. Amen. We couldn't know it all anyway and that's what grow our faith is all about.

    1. Exactly! It takes the unknowns in life to help us finally get to know God!

  38. Good point. Change what we can, have faith for all of it and live. That's what we were put here to do.

    1. Exactly right! We don't need to take on more than we're capable of, because that's when we start encroaching on God's turf!

  39. Count it all joy. We need the trials and the hard days to teach us and lead us towards God.

  40. Boy this one is spot on. He should be the biggest thing in our lives, we should spend time everyday in prayer, thought just in knowing Jesus and our Father better.

    1. Exactly! Whenever we start getting distracted by all this other stuff, we start drifting away from Him. And that's never the direction that we need to go!

  41. That is alot of posts. But it's also alot of thought and learning and hope. Prayers for many more.

    1. Thank you, I honestly cannot tell you how much I appreciate all the support in doing this these past 5+ years!! It means more than words can say!

  42. Keep moving the finish line. Keep walking with Jesus until our Father takes us home.

  43. People worry more about the differences than the fact that we are all God's children.

    1. Exactly, He doesn't want us all separated like we are, just doesn't help anyone.

  44. We all do that. The world can get to us sometimes and noone is perfect. Keep the faith and walk on knowing that Jesus is right beside us.

    1. Amen, and thankfully He keeps helping us see our mistakes and work to fix them and do better.

  45. Could not agree more, when you hear the silence it's actually amazing. When we hear the silence can we maybe hear him better.

    1. Amen! And that's kind of the point, we need to stop listening and hearing all this other stuff so that He finally has a chance to get through to us!

  46. Absolutely. We need to stop sometimes and look at the amazing things and the beauty that God has created.

    1. Amen, so many awesome things to see, hear, and enjoy. We definitely don't want to miss it!

  47. How true. He has given us everything we truely need. He has given us life, Jesus has paid for our sins, we are forgiven, loved and he provides for us everyday. We need nothing more.

    1. Exactly! If we can't find a way to be happy and content with all that He's done and given, then we're just never going to find peace or any other good thing.

  48. Absolutely. When we face everything and everyday with new hope and the joy that can only come from our Savior and Father it really is life changing.

  49. Goes really good with your Bible verse today. If we trust him then we can keep at it, keep going because we know he's got us.

    1. Thank you! And exactly, with Him beside us we have no need to worry about failing.

  50. Yeah we can never be what Jesus was, we aren't meant to be but we can do what he did, he loved and he cared and he saved our lives.

    1. Amen and exactly! We can't come close to His example, but that shouldn't keep us from trying. Trying to do something good will always be more worthwhile than succeeding at doing something wrong.

  51. Good one. Life is a mess sometimes but we have to hang on, keep at it and know that he already knows the outcome. Store up our treasures in Heaven.

    1. Amen! If He won't give up then we shouldn't either. It's about finding a balance that keeps us smooth and steady no matter what comes our way!

  52. See us through his eyes and know that we are just as he made us. His children.

    1. Exactly, why would we ever want to change that?

  53. Another good one, liking your blog.

    1. Thank you, and thank you so much for all the support!! It seriously means more than I can say!

  54. Well put. He knows everything, we do not need to.

    1. We have a pwerful God. Nothing is immposible for him and I believe in the power of prayer. Keep praying, he hears us.

    2. Yes we do, and yes He does! It's amazing to know that He takes the time to listen and genuinely cares!

  55. Absolutely. We add so much to ourselves that we do not need to. It's called faith and we can believe that he is in control.

    1. Yep! No point in trying to do the job that He's far more capable of doing. There's peace in trusting Him!

  56. This could easily be a sermon in church. Such a good way to look at it, calm us so that we can see our way through the struggles, so that we see him.

    1. Thank you!! And exactly, if we're losing our minds then we're distracted from the truth that He's still in control. Life doesn't always have to be calm if we can face it with the peace that comes from leaning on God.

  57. I think I reach out to him alot. Guess life is a mess alot of times, but that's also the good news he loves us. He wants us to come back to him.

    1. Amen, I do too! Can't imagine not having that powerful lifeline to help us back up and keep us going. Truly a blessing we can't imagine!

  58. Good post, another one is the mouth speaks what the heart has in it. Walk with Jesus and live our lives for him. Live in joy.

    1. Love that, and definitely true! What we have inside will come out, so we better make sure that we only allow the good in. Just as you said, walk with Jesus and live for Him, then we'll have plenty of good to share!

  59. I hardly turn the television on, do not go to the movies, listen to Christian music and very little else. There's other things to do and I agree we need to put good in so good comes out.

    1. Completely agree, just tired of all the garbage, no need for it. If it doesn't bring anything of value to my life then I'm perfectly fine without it!

  60. Good thing to remember. Very good post Thank You.

  61. We should never forget that day and be thankful for this one. Very good post.

  62. We are blessed. We do not have to let our failures dictate who we are. Jesus changed our lives and our futures when he died for us on the cross. We are meant to thrive so keep at it.

    1. I think that last sentence says it all! We were meant to be warriors, torch bearers, world changers. But so often we buy this lie that we can't because of what our pasts look like. Gotta stop listening to the lies of the past and pay more attention to the truths of God!

  63. Made me think of the quote "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always had" thank you by the way.

    1. Think about that one all the time, about the only good thing that came out of watching all that NCIS. And you're welcome!

  64. Absolutely, Amen. He's changing us by the minute.

  65. This is a really cool way of puttin it. We don't think about hating but yes we should. If we do not stand for what is right then what are we standing for.

    1. Thank you! And that's the whole point. We need to be firmly and totally against evil. It just has no place in the life of a Christian. It's a good thing to hate what's wrong because it helps us steer clear of it!

  66. Well put. There is so much noise in this world. Stop and listen to God, Stop and think about what Jesus did for us. Silence can be a wonderful thing because when we are quiet we can hear.

    1. Exactly! When we're always listening to what everyone is saying, then we can't really hear anything. There's just too much to take in. We need to focus on what matters and stop paying attention to what doesn't.

  67. We only have one life to live here, we should live it as fully as we can and that requires rest. Peace and hope can be found in God and our Savior Jesus so we should be still sometimes, we can hear much better.

    1. Absolutely can! Pretty much impossible to find peace or anything else when we're too busy to let it be possible.

  68. Totally agree. We miss so much setting in front of the television or stuck on the computer or behind a desk. We can not appreciate all his glory if we don't look at it.

    1. Exactly! It's almost like all of this stuff that grabs our attention is nothing but these huge blinders that turn off everything else around us. Scary to think what all we miss being distracted by things that don't really matter all that much.

  69. Very good point. He is the one perseon that will never lie to us, never leave us and can really change our lives for the better.

    1. Yep! A lot of hopeful promises are thrown around this time of year. But there's only One who has never and will never let us down. Guess that's why I'm just not interested in the worldly game of politics.

  70. Another very good post. We can't change what was only what will be.

    1. Thank you, and exactly! The future is wide open, so we're free to change and work to make it the best we possibly can.

  71. Time is getting any longer. Everyone needs to know that they are a child of God and if we can do anything to lead them to knowing him it's a good thing.

  72. We think that we need to be as perfect as we can be, but he already knows us and knows we aren't. It's about wanting and trying to do better and knowing that we are already loved.

    1. Amen! We're never going to get everything right, so there's really no point in making it harder or wasting too much time trying. Knowing that He already knows that we're not perfect and never will be takes so much of the fear and worry out of the picture!

  73. Very good point. We are here for a fleeting moment, eternity is forever. Tell that to everyone.

    1. Amen!! It would really suck to think that this is all there is!

  74. God did not make us to be unhappy. Sure there a good days and not good days but there's always tomorrow. Let go and let God.

    1. Exactly!! The bad days don't mean we have bad lives. It's just part of the bigger picture. No point in letting anything make us miserable. Why waste a day?

  75. Absolutely, we do not know what the future holds, he does and he knows how to get us there so trust in his ways.

    1. Amen! We will never get where He can take us without humbly trusting in His ways. Don't have to make sense, He simply knows what is best.

  76. Amen. He are his children and we should act like it.

    1. Exactly! He's different, we should be too.

  77. He is real and Heaven is a place and one day we will stand before our Savior and Father and there is no going back then. Make sure you are ready for that conversation.

  78. Amen. Focus on above not in front. He already knows the outcome of every single thing so why do we feel the need to worry about it. We really should let go and let God.

    1. Amen, no point in trying to figure out what He already knows!

  79. Really good message. He said that he will gives us everything we need and he does, so give him all of ourselves. If we like the feeling of being saved we should want others to know it also.

    1. Amen, really well said!! We should want everyone to feel the saving grace that we've experienced for ourselves. It's truly life changing!

  80. We all have gifts and it's a lucky person that can find what they love and are good at and use it for good.

    1. Amen! It just makes you feel good to use something that you can do and enjoy doing and do something good with it!

  81. I like that, it may not go our way but it will always go his. Which is the best. Trust in him and have faith that it is all for our good.

    1. Amen! It allows us to just enjoy the surprises along the way because we know that it's all going to work out just fine!

  82. Patience is a virtue. Trust the process and trust God.

  83. We never know we are entertaining angels, and we should want to treat everyone with that same heart.

    1. Exactly! Why not do a little bit of good when there are so many people hoping for it? We can make a difference if we just try!

  84. Good post. Stay close to him, walk with Jesus and live a life for a bigger reason.

  85. Good message. Don't let doubt creap in remember he is bigger than any issue we may ever have. Jesus has already paid for our sins and we have a home in Heaven so we have already won.

    1. Thank you! It's one of those human things that we need to unlearn. Doubt only tells us what can go wrong. But trust gives up hope for what will go right.

  86. Well put. With the dawn comes a new start.

  87. Walk with Jesus and we will always be on the right path even if it is different than we thought it would be.

  88. Very good message. Funny how so many people can be in something together and not even know it. But, God is good.

    1. It really is amazing! And I think He does it on purpose. Helps us learn to lean on each other and help one another. Like you said, God is good!!

  89. Be the good, be happy and walk with Jesus.

    1. Amen, we need as many good people as we can get!

  90. Amen. With every dawn comes a new chance.


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