Day 2179 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 14:29 NIV

We just talked about how we always have the choice to be happy in life. Personally I think that's one of the most important choices that we can make every single day. It will help with whatever comes our way. Let's be real here, very rarely are we prepared for what God leads us to in this journey. Not only do we not know what lies ahead, but most of the time we also don't know how His plans will work out. But they always do!

All of us can talk a pretty good game. We can convince ourselves and those around us that our faith is rock solid and that nothing can faze us. We don't want anyone to see that we have worries, fears, doubts, and questions. We put up this brave exterior that tells the world that we're invincible. But underneath that is a heart that's prone to wavering and worrying about the things we're dealt in life.

I firmly believe that there are a few really common things that help absolutely nobody. Being angry all the time. Seeing the bad in life. And spending time worrying about things. All of those habits do nothing but keep us in this negative state of mind where we focus on all the wrong things. Anger instead of happiness. Negativity and doubt instead of hope and peace. Worry rather than trust.

Our faith will ask us to step out of the boat sometimes. Christ will call us where we're not comfortable because that's where we find Him. We experience faith when we're not comfortable, not calm, not confident. The whole point is that we can't grow closer to Him if we don't follow Him through the trials and scary bits where nothing makes sense. If we don't take that step out onto something that seems crazy then we'll never know just how faithful He is!

It's only when Peter took his eyes off of Jesus and looked at the side that didn't seem possible that he started to sink. That's the point. That's the message here. Keep your eyes on Jesus when everything around you makes no sense to you. Keep your heart set on God when life feels impossible. Always trust that He knows what He's doing and He won't let us fail if we simply stay focused on Him. It might not make any sense to us, but it does to Him and that's all that will ever matter!


  1. Verry very good post. Keep our eyes on Jesus, we can not to everything on our own and can do nothing to deserve a home in Heaven. He's got this, he's got us. Trust and have fait because stepping out there is where we find him.

    1. Amen, truly well said! We find peace when we're focused on Him, no matter what's going on around us. He knows what He's doing and we can always lean on that!


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