Day 2655 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Galatians 5:4 NIV Yesterday we discussed the undeniable fact that each of us are in fact innately errant. We have all been born into sin and spent our lives crawling deeper into that pit chasing after our selfish desires. And we're in a world that considers such a task to be enjoyable and commendable. Folks down here can't get enough of what's evil, wicked, and wrong. That's pretty much been the topic we've been hammering for several days now. There simply is no such thing as good in us because we gave the good away. But we don't want to admit that. Not a single person wakes up in the morning all excited about confessing their flaws and humbly seeking out their weaknesses. We all have egos that try everything possible to keep our pride built up so that we don't feel like the lowly scumbags that we really are. But try as we may, the fact remains that our best is utterly worthless. We can find a way to mess up just about anything through rash decisions, words ...