Day 2869 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

2 Peter 3:18 NIV A couple of weeks ago I was riding down the road and for some reason unbeknownst to me, I noticed the trees drifting past as we continued on our way. Looking up at their dark branches contrasting against the brightness of the sun-lit sky behind, I was suddenly stuck by this realization that every branch, every limb, every single stem and tiny offshoot was pointed upward toward the source of the light that gives the tree its life. It's absolutely beautiful the ways in which God speaks to us when our time is otherwise unfilled and our minds too are unencumbered by life's many worries for a moment or two. He can send His Word into our hearts during a simply seemingly ordinary, completely mundane trek to get some lunch. But only if we remain vigilant, vested, and ever willing to listen. A task that sadly remains quite difficult when caught in the hustle of a hurried life. Those dark little branches reminded me of how precious life is and how we should be fighting f...