Day 2900 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

2 Timothy 2:10 NIV Have we made our lives so introspective that we're all but unable to grasp the real reason that we're still here? Contrary to what's obviously common thought, our lives are not our own. Our time is not an endless stream of opportunities meant to be exhausted on only ourselves. Our lives were not designed for us to live them in complete solitude of mind as if no one else is living theirs. In truth, God placed us in this sea of faces in order to make ripples, to create waves, to serve as a lifeline to those sinking beneath the surface. But often that opportunity is left unfulfilled as it likely requires our willingness to dive into His will and swim against the current of all that's seen as normal, comfortable and acceptable in the hearts and minds of those we're sharing this ball of dirt with at the moment. His calling and the path it follows does not afford us the self-fulfilling ideals that we've spent so many days envisioning. Instead, His p...