Day 2928 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.
Genesis 22:8 NIV We’ve been talking a bit about perspective and perception over the last couple of days. But, so often they're both viewed from only what we want. And when what we want is the priority, as it often is, then having what we want taken or fail to come to fruition will inevitably cause some serious contention within our faith. After all, if all we care about is getting what we want, if all our faith is for is granting our every request and fulfilling our every desire, then our not getting everything we want and not receiving the blessings we desire will lead to a fractured faith. And to put it bluntly, a fractured faith is all but worthless. Because as humans, we instinctively search for any and every reason to doubt so that we can crawl back into the comfort found within not having to trust, or hope, or believe. Those things are all truly difficult, and I think we all know how we all feel about all things difficult. Let’s just say that our clear preference for comfort ...