Day 2989 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Luke 6:22 NIV Because of the Son of Man. There’s a common misconception running wild through the hearts and minds of many that has them absolutely convinced that a life spent following Christ is somehow nothing but ease, tranquility, peace and prosperity. Maybe it’s simply managed to elude me all this time, but I’ve yet to find the part of the Bible, of the Gospel of Christ where it says that just because we call on His Name that nothing bad or undeserved will ever happen to us. In fact, the Gospel itself testifies to the contrary. The One we claim to follow, the One by whose Name we identify, the One we claim to seek and serve clearly wasn’t offered that path. So, where did this idea come from that tells us that He exists to shield us from all hardship and hatred when His life down here was filled with plenty of both? That idea, my friends, came only from our entitled arrogance that constantly seeks to satisfy our personal preferences. Because the reality of this path we’ve chosen is ...