Day 3050 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 1:16 NIV To be ashamed of the gift which absolves our shame is the kind of nonsensical contradiction that only a broken mind can conceive. Yet each time that we agree to cower in fear because of our awareness of how our limitations have brought about our immense guilt, we avoid the very One who came to tell us that we've not the power to write this story. And if we haven't the power to write this story, then our mistakes also lack that authority, which is a truth that's being radically forgotten amongst us today. Because so often we give our mistakes the authority to keep us living apart from the healing we need because our pride is embarrassed to admit that we need His help. That's one of the words used to describe shame. It's an embarrassment. It's a kind of humiliation that seeks to go so far as to instill doubt in anything other than what the guilty know they deserve. Shame tells us that we're so far gone from where we should have stayed that ther...