Day 3081 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 95:8 NIV We have a really long history of putting God to the test. And well, that has an equally long history of really not going well. There just seems to be something about our incessant arrogance and its corresponding sense of entitlement that has always seemed to seriously rub Him the wrong way. It might have something to do with the fact that He’s always provided everything we’ve ever truly needed and our demanding more just has us coming off as entirely ungrateful instead of humbly appreciative. Don’t know, I’m just spit-balling. Why is it that we’ve yet to learn that all we’re really doing by putting God to the test is setting ourselves up for failure? Have we actually ‘advanced’ so far that we truly can’t see just how far behind we are? The fact is that He owes us nothing, never did. All that He’s done has been done simply to show us who He is, not as a response to who we think we are. That's the ultimate danger to be found down a road followed under the impression th...