Day 3112 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Isaiah 43:19 KJV Eventually all which has been lost, left set adrift atop a sea of uncertainty and sorrow, will wash up onto the beaches of what may well feel a war-torn reality. It’s just inevitable. Inevitable because it's promised by He who authored reality and the inevitability of eternity into being. Thus it's something that all of us either have or will experience for ourselves at some point. Problem is that that point seems to have at least some hinging upon the decision between our embracing the willingness to embrace it or our continuing to swing over onto the opposite path where we simply continue trying to avoid it for as long as possible. Now don't get me wrong, I do understand why we want to avoid the crippling fall back into the reality from which we've been running. It's because it's crushing to see the many missteps and missed opportunities now forever a part of our story written by our pride thinking we had both the right and the ability to stea...