Day 3173 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Deuteronomy 12:8 NIV Assuming safety or necessity in the status quo will only keep us from making the changes He deserves in light of what He’s done to open that door for us to be more than we’ve been. Because it's hard if not altogether impossible to hold this line we’ve been called to hold when everyone around us is living a life spent trying to blur it so badly that nobody knows for what they stand anymore, as that outlook may eventually become our own. That’s the danger in going through life looking for input from those clearly not trying all that hard themselves. Indeed, we live in this place where everything goes, where everyone’s free to go and do whatever they want wherever they wish. No limits, no concerns, no considerations, no consequences. Just this great big free-for-all that’s all anyone could ever ask for in life. And so we look around at the world and all the things people are doing or saying and we find ourselves slowly becoming desensitized to it. Overtime things ...