Day 3203 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 7:7 NIV Action, initiative, investment, movement, a faith so alive and breathing that we'd just as soon not breathe another breath without it as it’s become the very breath we breathe. But is that in any way what our understanding of faith remotely resembles or rather are we still allowing our understanding as marked and mangled by misunderstandings to prevent or postpone or otherwise hinder our growth inside this impossible opportunity instead exchanged for a life merely entangled still in this place among a humanity settled outside of God's amazing grace and content on staying torn apart? Indeed I fear that far too much is still made of our understandings. In fact, we seem to have this insatiable need to understand before we dare undertake. It's like we live life wrapped within this fear of falling short as we know so well the many times we've done just that thus far. And so instead of faith we solemnly accept only what we can prove or have proven without any ...