
Showing posts from December, 2023

Day 3234 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 6:22 NIV The unoriginality of this way we've made as marked by minutes and moments accomplishes little more than an odd expectancy of something novel around every corner. And yet when that new never comes in the measures upon which we allow our sense of entitlement to insist, we tend to find ourselves otherwise displeased with where we are in life as it's both not where we'd like to be as well as pretty much still where we've always been. Indeed, there's a radical mundanity to all of this that we've gone so far as to even originate holidays in order to somehow stifle. Like New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, this great door that allows our hopes to swing into a freshly undisturbed calendar whilst simultaneously slamming shut the dissatisfactions of the past twelve months of mistakes made now into memories. Because be them good or bad, that is pretty much all that's left to rehash of the past, just reminders of things now over. And too, no matter h...

Day 3233 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 6:17 NIV This otherwise impossible shift from slaves to sons deserves a devotion devoid of any other direction other than that distinctly aimed at wanting more of He who made it promised. Because we shouldn't have this chance. This hope shouldn't be alive as we ourselves, our souls should still be lost, twisted and entwined within all to which we've lived thus far chained. And yet, this faith that's now breathing with every breath we take has fastened our pursuits to a steadfastness impossibly found inside hearts that were somehow freed from the many misspent pasts we've mistakenly taken far too lightly. But we have this chance, this choice, this change to choose that can and will help us lose all that's already lost so that we might now finally find ourselves found inside the Son who came to ensure that such freedom is final for all who dare leave behind the enslavements they've known. The enslavements we've known. Attached to every hollow and he...

Day 3232 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 8:4 NIV There is both richness and poverty in life, problem is we've assumed the wrong wealth. Wealth isn’t measured by riches but by righteousness as money cannot buy a ticket to Heaven but should one pursue righteousness, possible only now by a faith that follows the narrow path of Christ’s call, the same will be the few who find themselves welcomed where worldly wealth is proven worthless. Indeed, God does not call us to earn a living based on material earnings but rather to make righteousness our priority wherein we show a continual resolve to please Him rather than our pocketbooks. See, we’ve become a soulless people who live according to the desires of the flesh as such are bought and sold, selling this image of worth in which we assume ourselves wealthy only when we have what the flesh desires. And as a result, we’ve all sold so much of ourselves that our souls are hanging on by a thread, ready to break that bank whenever needed so we’ve a bit more to give away in exc...

Day 3231 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 8:3 NIV Beyond the cross what has been will be no more because His will accomplished forever what we could never be before. And so it all begins anew now, life forever changed so that life may be forever found. But only for those who first find their flaws as formulated and finalized by the law we've only endlessly shattered inside lives lived without remorse possible only outside of the reverence He deserves. And that's a hard thing, defining the loneliness of the narrow and the scarcity of the souls striding upon it. Because while that thin lane may lead to life, it's lived so abruptly that humility is beyond necessity. It's truly the only way to walk this world from which we're leaving. And simply put, far too many are still even debating the law itself, seeing themselves not as sinners but as saints who've done no wrongs, and thus warped into wondering why any would abide by this set of expectations that seem to many, most in fact, nothing but a list ...

Day 3230 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 5:20 NIV We have to first find the true bottom of our fall if we're to ever know the full measure of God's grace that awaits us there. Because the humiliating fact is found in that we've found only reason to get this wrong. We've found only endless excuse to excuse bad behaviors so blasphemous that they've become a brokenness in which we've come to see beauty. Yes, we've lived so wrong for so long that it's right that now seems so strange that to even consider it is considered foolish. Indeed, we're so bent toward wrong that our understanding of the necessity of right is altogether fractured. And in order for a people who've broken themselves into agreeing that the darkness of depravity is to be preferred to the freedom found in His light to agree to the humility needed for them to admit that they can't too be the same who heal themselves, that healing needed so desperately can only begin when our preference for all that breaks is brok...

Day 3229 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 5:21 NIV He came to live a life here that He meant to die so that we might see that to die to the here is to find life once more, waiting where we’ve not yet been but now have the chance to be before long. Because He did what He does best, flip the script by stealing the pen back from the sins we’ve sought to win in order that we might dare to lose what we’ll anyway leave behind soon. It’s His choice to inspire us toward the chance to make a change that literally changes everything. Everything. Death defeated so life might begin. Sin no longer sought as eyes open to see that to lose self is to gain all we could never be on our own. Our cost covered so as to implore us to stop charging so defiantly into charging against our souls a weight we can’t bear, accomplished through His bearing what we began by ending what we’ve come to know as the end. In Him, our end is now where life begins. And in Him still the more, what He began will never end. Our well-earned end compounds in an un...