Day 3234 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 6:22 NIV The unoriginality of this way we've made as marked by minutes and moments accomplishes little more than an odd expectancy of something novel around every corner. And yet when that new never comes in the measures upon which we allow our sense of entitlement to insist, we tend to find ourselves otherwise displeased with where we are in life as it's both not where we'd like to be as well as pretty much still where we've always been. Indeed, there's a radical mundanity to all of this that we've gone so far as to even originate holidays in order to somehow stifle. Like New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, this great door that allows our hopes to swing into a freshly undisturbed calendar whilst simultaneously slamming shut the dissatisfactions of the past twelve months of mistakes made now into memories. Because be them good or bad, that is pretty much all that's left to rehash of the past, just reminders of things now over. And too, no matter h...