
Showing posts from January, 2024

Day 3265 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Colossians 1:29 NIV That which has been so graciously given seems now what I should graciously give. For the generosity needed from God for Him to give this gift of His great grace should inspire in those who receive such a gravity the giving of lives in return if such might mean that more might gain. Because there's a contrary that runs in constant contention against the cold inventions of this culture we've created. It's a hope that calls out from up ahead, cries down from high above, asking us, imploring us, compelling us to come and taste and then go and fish. To be fishers of men, not for the glory of the number we may reach but rather to the glory of the Savior to whom we might happen to inspire that they may reach. It's a servant's story, this entire salvation. It's been from the start a chance to help those falling apart see the mercy that's always held that last little bit together just so that the soul within might win the war that's waging aga...

Day 3264 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Colossians 1:28 NIV A passion for this purpose. Because it's a promise for all people. It's a hope for all mankind. It's a door swinging so violently into eternal peace that it's been ripped off the hinges. A peace so perfect that even a billion poets couldn't find the words to adequately portray. A gift given that we cannot go on without. A life waiting for our willing to want this ruined replica to wave good-bye. And yet it's just that, the end of this. It's the altering of our adamancy, a shifting of our stories and how we tell them, it's a salvation so new that to tell of it feels almost as insufficient as to remain silent. Because in this world we’ve become convinced that it’s considered best to stay quiet should you have something to say which might offend. It's better to leave unsaid anything which may hurt. Feelings valued over forever. We're a people perfectly content with the content of this present portent. We're fine abiding insid...

Day 3263 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 9:16 NIV Salvation by success. It's an assumption found within all of us so lost we think ourselves able to personally procure our own promise of perpetual peace. An idea, a selfish inclination of sorts, a guess in all honesty, thinking that we who've thus far agreed to lose all that's left us lost might somehow turn the tides of our minds into where we now become the finders of a faith we've so far failed to find. Insanity as an ideology leaves ideally a people bound to ideas of their own invention. That's what faith has long been to most, all in some way. It's this investigation into belief, a sort of searching for what we can find. But therein lies the struggle. It's impossible for us to find what's been long considered a failure. Once we’ve decided that faith is foolishness, it takes a miracle to unwind that mistake. We can't make changes that big all on our own. Can't go from persecutors of grace one day to being prisoners of said gra...

Day 3262 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

2 Samuel 14:14 NIV Does God not indeed make a way? Has He not truly made a way by allowing us to somehow come away as if to do away with what's become our way spent always away from His will for our stay? He in fact sent the Way who brought us the Truth that inspires, ignites, invites us out here in this dark night to race back into the Life wherein His love is made perfect for all who've become pointless, aimless, lawless, hapless, helpless, loveless. A mass of miscreants still meaning to make our way toward more of the nothingness we've been and still often show a desire to further become. I think it an understatement to say that the ego which has laid out all our most pitiable plans has inspired inside such a gross lack of interest to live that we've each all but become so dead within that we've left no desire to die to the death that we've designed inside a misspent life. Simply because it's ours, a, to us alone, passing replacement upon the perfect into...

Day 3261 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

John 12:46 NIV So that none should stay. For none shall stay. Not in this day. Not in this time. Not in this life. Not in this world. Not in this way. No, the sheerest gravity of this life is that it will end, does end. And yet the pure grace of the Way is that when it does, only then might life begin. Because that is defined in Scripture as the reason for which the Christ came. To bring life to our death by ending the death that is our sinful way. A cross carried to a grave emptied, leaving now for all an invitation to come and taste, taste then share, seek a measure of His surrender seen in our lives so that our lives might then be hidden in His victory over our defeat. "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:23 Eternal life, the gift of God. It seems then that the confusion is not to be found upon the part of God as He's done more than He should have to break through these blasphemes we've become. He s...

Day 3260 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Kings 18:21 NIV The indelibility of indifference. An entire way of life lived as if life deserves no direction, devoid of devotion, always in motion causing inside a commotion able to disquiet even the ocean as the noise of our thoughts seems always instead torn between this tarrying between two trajectories, two territories, one terrestrial while one eternal. Yes, though we know the difference between both the design and the direction, still it seems we've found too little to inspire in us a choice we can only ever pretend to leave unmade as if beds we plan to sleep in again. But there's a defiant inevitability to this life and the swath of time with which we've to live it, and that is that it ends and when doth come that day, our decisions will be made. Perhaps the undertone of this eternal tragedy soon to be found by most is that most of us for the most part live mostly making most of our choices whilst arrogantly oblivious to our admitting that we knew well the other ...