Day 3265 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Colossians 1:29 NIV That which has been so graciously given seems now what I should graciously give. For the generosity needed from God for Him to give this gift of His great grace should inspire in those who receive such a gravity the giving of lives in return if such might mean that more might gain. Because there's a contrary that runs in constant contention against the cold inventions of this culture we've created. It's a hope that calls out from up ahead, cries down from high above, asking us, imploring us, compelling us to come and taste and then go and fish. To be fishers of men, not for the glory of the number we may reach but rather to the glory of the Savior to whom we might happen to inspire that they may reach. It's a servant's story, this entire salvation. It's been from the start a chance to help those falling apart see the mercy that's always held that last little bit together just so that the soul within might win the war that's waging aga...