Day 3294 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

John 15:20 NIV In this life, in this place, in this way, I am last. Because that’s right where I need to be. I’ve no business being out front pretending to lead anyone toward anything, not knowing all that I’ve found following my lead all these years. I’m not worthy of being listened to, learned from, applauded or even noticed. Because none can gain a thing should I worry about living inside such a way that insists I’m who this world needs. Nor can anyone profit from my pretending a prophet with some perfect parable as to the workings of life, some word not already said a million times before. No, there is indeed nothing new under the sun, and so here inside this serving the Son, I’d be a fool to expect something new. And yet we so clearly do. We walk this line as if it’s wide enough for the variance our preference might prefer. We pretend this path possibly painless, hopefully profitable, perhaps even at times popular and appreciated. And within all that we can see clearly what we don...