Day 3325 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 28:6 NIV Just as He said. It seems a new sort of novel every single day, this opportunity to seek and share the Word with whomever might care to see, to read. It’s an entirely enormous undertaking, and yet one that I am completely consumed with at this point as it seems to me one of very few things that I’ve the chance to do that’s actually worth the doing. And yet it brings such a gravity as I know well that I’m simply only able to be sufficiently insufficient as how can words I type possibly convey even a fraction of what His already have? No, this day here is one of those which remind of the inability to do as He’s called me to, and yet so too a renewed determination to keep on trying despite such inability. For the general undertone that I hope and pray shines throughout these posts every day is that He is in every way all He’s ever said He is. There isn’t a weakness in His way, not a word missing in His will, not a single letter out of place in that letter written to lead ...