Day 3355 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Hebrews 12:3 NIV Of all the persecution to be proven along this path, perhaps the most problematic is the opposition from the sinner within. Because the truth is that we’re not at all ready for what’s to be asked of us, no way we could be. For this narrowing road which lay ahead is both unseen at times and uncertain every step. It asks of us a sort of selflessness we’ve never seen nor felt nor wanted to see or feel before. In fact this chance deserves from us such a devotion that we should in all honesty want to blast past the greatest of expectations which may be lain upon our shoulders, carved within these new hearts we’ve been given. But honestly, no, seems anymore that when the going gets tough, well, the tough are oftentimes nowhere to be found. What we do find instead of such things as courage and the curiosity which considers no other outcome than that which is afforded only by the most brutal willingness to wring out of this world every ounce of His will for our lives as we can...