
Showing posts from July, 2024

Day 3447 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Hebrews 10:14 NIV Perhaps our particular problem with this procession of spiritual progression is that it runs along upon the regression of pasts which were paved perfectly upon every wrong path possible. Indeed, that is the entirety of the perplexity of this path now paved into the grave as it now asks that we turn back toward where we’ve long denied we need to be. It asks that we undo all we’ve done under the sun, as none is now welcome if we’re to be found under the Son, in the Son, the Son in us as it was so promised, Holy Spirit and such. Yes, the struggle of sanctification is that such affords us only the loss of us and all we’ve made of us, wanted for us, planned for us. It’s the utter rejection of every past progression as proven within power and profit and popularity and other likewise byproducts of politic and pride. For all the above have always had a price that we didn’t feel ourselves paying in order to remain staying standing where we’ve become to be just like those aroun...

Day 3446 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Corinthians 6:11 NIV I am increasingly convinced that of all the miraculous mercies offered within the Christian faith, perhaps the greatest of them all is that opportunity at a life so changed that it allows us a were. For without that shift from is to was needed to move a person from who they are to who they were, all we could forever be is merely what we’ve become and the hands of who we’ve been which have sealed our fate due to all we’ve done to become who we are. And looking back at that past built behind me I see only a betrayal of who I now have this alien hope to someday be as it is not in any way who I am today, but rather only everything better. And thus I know that it has nothing to do with me because I know that I’ve grown too prone to settling for good enough. Indeed, I know that I’m always more than fine staying wherever I’ve managed to wash on shore so long as I needn’t enter the unsure of the unseen as in there I know nothing but fear for the failures that I’m sure to...

Day 3445 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Colossians 1:21 NIV It is truly amazing the thoughts we can teach ourselves to think when at first we decide upon this idea that allows us to think we know anything of anything. For that line we’ve drawn of a life we’ve lived has only led us to where we’ve left us so lost that we look around for all we need and yet only see all we’ve always wanted staring back at us, only now unable to offer us any return upon that investment of a life we’ve lost to thinking we can walk this line and not lose anything along the way toward where we never ended up. And having indeed lost so much of who we were for what we’ve become, seems we’ve only become unable to consider the concessions we chose along the way. Because the weight of each proves now that we put our priorities into the hands of those who hadn’t a care as to where we might end up nor what we’d have to forget to get here. And perhaps the most grueling humiliation is given in that those hands have always been our own. Yes, despite the comp...

Day 3444 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 6:21 NIV Perhaps the greatest gravity to a life’s regret is given in that there is here within this life as lived within a world’s temporality an unavoidable brevity to all benefit, especially those received only in the moment. For the true reality of our mortality is that any of it spent outside of morality is thus recused into what is to become before long an eternal accusation of our having chosen to honor ourselves within our lives as lived within a billion separate moments in which are made either memories or mistakes, both combining into a message that chimes this choice saying that we feel as if our lives are ours alone. And we make this choice so very often because it’s the very ideal to which this humanity has decided to descend. Indeed, everyone here at one time or another lives as if they’re here only to do as they please as if our personal proclivities such as pleasure and preference can truly provide a life its purpose. But you see, when at first we dissolve into th...

Day 3443 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Galatians 6:4 NIV Be it a fear of being alone or of merely being left holding the brunt of a life’s responsibility, it seems we seek perhaps too incessantly this sense of community in which we’ve come to find perhaps a bit too much comfort. For while it’s wonderful to be so surrounded with people who prove opportunities to both love and be loved, to edify and be edified, to lift up and also to lean upon, the fact is that it’s sadly too often taken entirely for granted. It is a truly amazing gift to be so adrift atop a sea of faces within whom we might find a reflection that reflects this reflex in which we at once felt this need to feel alive. Indeed, we might see inside of someone else a courage we can’t feel in or for ourselves, a resilience that we’ve never known, a boldness in belief that we know we need but have never managed to find or feel. And this miracle as made among mankind having been made in the image of our Heavenly Father, it does afford us a great many moments in which...

Day 3442 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Corinthians 15:33 NIV For perhaps the pit of which we’re warned by Christ in Matthew 15 as found by those blind led by the blind is this disbelief that’s so widely believed amongst those so vastly assumptive of a best life being one lived without Christ. Indeed, it seems that this sullen society as swollen by selfish sin is such that assumes that a life can only ever be the sum of things assumed within these many eyes so blind that we believe in only what we see. In fact it’s such clichés that have come to corrupt this community into a culture of discontent descending upon such decisions as all this division and indifference in which we ourselves have become all but devoted to such disbelief and disarray. All because that with which we are surrounded is that to which we’ll become accustomed. Meaning then that those we discussed yesterday, those blinded into disbelief by the god of this age, they’ll come to insist we succumb to their invitations of this instigation of our investigatio...