Day 3447 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Hebrews 10:14 NIV Perhaps our particular problem with this procession of spiritual progression is that it runs along upon the regression of pasts which were paved perfectly upon every wrong path possible. Indeed, that is the entirety of the perplexity of this path now paved into the grave as it now asks that we turn back toward where we’ve long denied we need to be. It asks that we undo all we’ve done under the sun, as none is now welcome if we’re to be found under the Son, in the Son, the Son in us as it was so promised, Holy Spirit and such. Yes, the struggle of sanctification is that such affords us only the loss of us and all we’ve made of us, wanted for us, planned for us. It’s the utter rejection of every past progression as proven within power and profit and popularity and other likewise byproducts of politic and pride. For all the above have always had a price that we didn’t feel ourselves paying in order to remain staying standing where we’ve become to be just like those aroun...