Day 3478 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

John 8:34 NIV To heed the call to refuse another yoke of enslavement would at first demand a differed stand as to what we’ve never understood about just how far gone we’ve been as defined by how far He went to bring us back. And we’ve never sought to understand that as we know it would undeniably define the depth of our downfall as fallen down all around, all within, all of it all just given way all these days we’ve let slip right past our purpose in exchange for our preference for pleasure, an opinion altogether obtuse enough to have formed every bar we couldn’t bend in order to break out of this prison we couldn’t see that we alone have built of every disbelief and inability to fight beyond them for the better for which He built us. No, we’ve not the stomach for such honesty as we’ve honestly lost so much of the rest of ourselves and our souls that I suppose we shouldn’t expect to have our stomach left around either. It’s rather all been sold at rock-bottom dollar for that is the wag...