
Showing posts from August, 2024

Day 3478 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

John 8:34 NIV To heed the call to refuse another yoke of enslavement would at first demand a differed stand as to what we’ve never understood about just how far gone we’ve been as defined by how far He went to bring us back. And we’ve never sought to understand that as we know it would undeniably define the depth of our downfall as fallen down all around, all within, all of it all just given way all these days we’ve let slip right past our purpose in exchange for our preference for pleasure, an opinion altogether obtuse enough to have formed every bar we couldn’t bend in order to break out of this prison we couldn’t see that we alone have built of every disbelief and inability to fight beyond them for the better for which He built us. No, we’ve not the stomach for such honesty as we’ve honestly lost so much of the rest of ourselves and our souls that I suppose we shouldn’t expect to have our stomach left around either. It’s rather all been sold at rock-bottom dollar for that is the wag...

Day 3477 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Galatians 5:1 NIV For our to have been set free, or at the very least offered the suggestion that we might indeed be freed only means that free is not at all what we’ve been but is rather a gift that it took another to begin. Because the mere fact that this faith is so able, and rightly so, to paint freedom as a gift given proves that those to whom it was given, is given were not, are not otherwise aware that they were not already there. Indeed, to be free is to be human, or so it seems. For we live our lives doing as we please, assuming this the most obvious evidence of our self-supposed sense of liberty as seen and shown in our disregard to even the mere hint of limit in regard to self-restraint or self-denial. No, we’ve known no such humility as to deny such vanity. Which is blatantly why this is in fact a gift that we’ve been given for which we should be grateful. Alas, it seems also that we’re so enslaved to such things as assumptions and status quos that we don’t really know how ...

Day 3476 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 John 4:18 NIV Perhaps to be afraid is to be alive as there is here plenty of fear meaning thus maybe to be alive is to be afraid. And yet, as proven in Christ, love is life and too has no fear, so perhaps to be alive and afraid is really no life at all. And yet we still seem so able to assume ourselves thriving within this land so losing in terms of public insistence and insinuation incessantly suspecting the injecting of another’s perspectives into our own for fear of our home here being otherwise lost to the cold and alone we so fear. For there it is again, fear, the worry of walking a world without another upon whom to lean or to whom we might look when life wanes lean and leaves us in need of a hand to help or an ear to hear. Indeed, we seem convinced that comfort is proven only in community, and whilst this may be plausible to a certain degree, considering the downfall and decay displayed all around anymore, perhaps a bit more care should be given to our comraderies than we have...

Day 3475 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Proverbs 29:25 NIV Perhaps my last fear found here is that we’ve failed to figure the fullness of the lack of freedom found within our fear of man and thus have come upon the inability to comprehend just how free we can truly be once found in Him. Because knowing now that our faith in Christ has come to define our being forever justified to walk however, speak whatever, go wherever the Good Lord may lead leaves us without need of anything in the way of approval or applause from anyone else. And yet those things have long been seen and assumed as the sort of prizes our eyes so filled with blindness have come to believe that we’re supposed to need. In fact, just that that is the only way in which to write this idea proves the silliness of it all. For there is no supposition within a necessity as something needed doesn’t need anyone to believe in its existence nor to find value within its substance as defined by some characteristic that is otherwise inarguably indispensable. In other word...

Day 3474 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 8:30 NIV Thus perhaps our purpose is not proven within public praise nor personal priority but rather within the pursuit of a promise which was previously purchased that proves us here on purpose. For the fact is that God does nothing without reason as He is reason as much as He is truth and life and love and looking for all of us to be remade into that image that He at first created us to remain so as to reflect His majesty into this mankind of depravity so that the hope He is might reach some seeking such whilst finding none. Because hope is something all of us strive to find in this life, and yet we’ve come to assume it found within always the hollowest of places. Because to house hope inside something held here merely contends that this world has hope to offer, but what is hope if it’s so limited as to be left within a lifetime we’ve all but already left behind? Is that not exactly what our pasts have already proven? For we’ve all indeed hoped within a great many things, dre...

Day 3473 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 8:29 NIV Within this world so focused on being first, perhaps it’s not all that bad to be second sometimes. Because to be first demands a degree of intuition, integrity, intelligence in that to lead the way toward something novel or new demands a sort of responsibility proven in the realization that at some point another might follow. And while we’ve become a people always leading the way toward our own wants and wishes or following others toward theirs, forsaking any sort of restriction such as said responsibility, we’ve too become all but unable to be the ones who lead this way toward what has never been anywhere near anything we’ve wanted nor been willing to risk. For indeed, to lead is to risk more than any who might follow would have to as the one who begins something new takes upon themselves the fullness of every nuance and uncertainty demanded of a new direction. Thus we ought to be thankful that Christ didn’t wait for us to decide this path He paved on our behalf. No, i...