Day 3539 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Colossians 1:17 NIV The first and the last, beginning and end, Alpha, Omega, was, is, is coming again, Author, Perfector, Creator, Savior, Father, Friend. He who goes before and protects behind and walks beside and does all out of all He is seeing as all He is is love and mercy and just and justice and jealous and vengeance and kindness and caring and compassion and purpose and promise and permanent and perfect. And somehow inside all of that He finds reason for us to be here, but even more than that, to be His. And further still, to be His despite our having all but become here as where is a world not at all how He created it to remain. No, for such things as death and demise were not at first His plans for mankind as He began us with the breath of life allowing us to breathe a life that we’ve come to live in love with all that isn’t all He is. And why? Well, I suppose that the answer to that is perhaps different for each of us and yet too exactly the same. Because this fall away from...