
Showing posts from November, 2024

Day 3569 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Proverbs 18:2 NIV Seems a surpassed understanding is a gift in waiting given unto only those who’ve become all but victims of their own. For while it may take some time to grow in the humility of mind that allows for the rather pointed realizing of just how right you’ve never really been, once you do in that begin, it’s a miracle that continues to unfold into a freedom that could have never otherwise been found behind a mind that thinks it either knows everything or may soon accomplish such a selfish vanity as that. Which is indeed all that our every opinion can ever really be. Because an opinion is defined as “a view, judgment or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter.” And thus it’s just us becoming convinced that what we think is justified simply because we think it with the same minds that think we’re never wrong. Can this truly be such a gravity as that which it’s been given? For it seems that these days our opinions have become unto us what’s considered the only v...

Day 3568 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Philippians 4:7 NIV It's as if, all at once, all of life's storms are stopped, a calming of every wave of worry and wander, finding us finally free of what it is to feel afraid as we find ourselves not the basis of our beliefs anymore. No, it’s as if we've washed finally upon the shoals of eternity's shore. And it’s here, within this place, placed at peace within His grace that we find we've nothing to fear, know nothing of fright, just of rather a life all but now completely lost within the light that is His love that is indeed a gift given unto us from high above. And it’s this very gift that very much does surpass all understanding, even our often still feebly trying. And that His grace leads to this place where our understanding isn’t needed anymore, such it what this freedom is for. It’s to absolve us of us and all we’ve done, been, become and seek still to be. It’s a letting go of you and me, a finally kind of free, one felt for all of eternity. A journey into...

Day 3567 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Philippians 4:6 NIV “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39 And yet, is not such a quite robust list of things over which we’ve instead come to worry and continue to despite the most dreadful of disdain that such things seem to inspire inside? Indeed, it’s as if we’ve chosen, actively most days, to continue this chase of the things which waste both time and thus life as if such a gift isn’t able to be lived without some weight of worry leaving us so very lost and weary that we’ve left nothing but contempt upon which to count. Yes, we count it all, every day and every drop as if it all does count, but to what we’re most days unsure and thus quite unready. All because to be thankful is anymore an afterthought thought only after the fallout of w...

Day 3566 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 6:34 NIV It seems as though that all these worries we know are known only in regard to tomorrow as such is, for today at least, the last place in which all uncertainty still lies in life. For it feels, to us, that yesterday is now mostly gone, aside from a few remnants of things then left undone. And too, that today is already but well underway and we can, in that, imagine easily that we’ll make it through the rest. But tomorrow, no, tomorrow holds not that same certainty as we see now in yesterday nor assume easily seen within the rest of today. And thus tomorrow is where we feel our worries best waiting, the weight of a billion unknowns all coming at once once the sun goes down and dares rise again to reveal what lies within the coming unknown that is tomorrow. And yet, as we’ve been discussing of late, what if we could see that all that lies alongside said uncertainty was simply the fact that even that was in itself a lie? Because, and even beyond the numbskullery of our nev...

Day 3565 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Peter 5:7 NIV Perhaps we’ve become a bit too accustomed to a world in which so many requests are requested without reason, and this has left us feeling as if any suggestion is at best halfhearted perhaps. Alas, this sort of jaded perspective has purchased for us a perfecting refusal as to the perusal of any potential problem not our own making. For we know we’ve plenty of power to provide our own path its fair of what always feels perfectly precarious. It’s why all this walking so anxious. Indeed, I dare say we know more anxiety and worry than life lived without as to live a life without is simply not something done down here. No, we’ve too much we hear, too much we fear, too much tied in between hearing and fearing that we keep only finding every reason to deny any request as held in an outside suggest as we just cannot take much more uncertainty. We’re coming apart at the seams as it sits. And yet, is this splitting of hairs and giving way to cares not only caused by our incessant ...

Day 3564 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Proverbs 12:25 NIV And yet, despite having His Word, here we’ve come to live what seems a life bound by what are but a billion burdens, all of which are pretty much only personally perceived. And thus permanently pointless. For indeed, how much does a worry weigh? We tried to tie that one down yesterday as it seems a problem entirely too up close and personal for each of us, all this worry. Or at least that’s apparently anymore what the world seems to run on anyway. And why? What of worry is able to offer the possibility of personal profit? Or rather is not our every worry borne from within a selfishness which has us seeing ourselves as prophets? Is not worry only a matter considered either dangerous or delightful as measured always in the distance to wherever the up ahead still awaits? Yes, how much does a worry weigh? What about a want? Because you see, I feel we’ve found only ways to disagree that some of our worries are held not in regard to what we want to avoid but rather simply ...