Day 3569 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Proverbs 18:2 NIV Seems a surpassed understanding is a gift in waiting given unto only those who’ve become all but victims of their own. For while it may take some time to grow in the humility of mind that allows for the rather pointed realizing of just how right you’ve never really been, once you do in that begin, it’s a miracle that continues to unfold into a freedom that could have never otherwise been found behind a mind that thinks it either knows everything or may soon accomplish such a selfish vanity as that. Which is indeed all that our every opinion can ever really be. Because an opinion is defined as “a view, judgment or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter.” And thus it’s just us becoming convinced that what we think is justified simply because we think it with the same minds that think we’re never wrong. Can this truly be such a gravity as that which it’s been given? For it seems that these days our opinions have become unto us what’s considered the only v...