Day 3600 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Peter 2:11 NIV For what freedom is there to be found within this forced feeling that we’ve more we’re needing to keep our hearts beating while still bleeding for this bleating of believing that there’s more still in this world that might make our lives more full, filled or fulfilled? And yet, as we reach again what feels another end, what of this raging commonality will be allowed to venture with us into this coming batch of newness? What of all that’s behind us is welcome to stay alongside us? Who in terms of those many either people or pleasures are to be considered still welcomed treasures that are thus invited with us into the gift of the beginning which awaits just beyond this nearly ended? Seems that something so simple as a calendar change has often been used to inspire such intrigues as these. Alas we coin them all ‘resolutions’ for sake of feeling as if we’re doing something but yet without the resolve that makes all resolutions revolve. Indeed, just how involved are we to b...