
Showing posts from January, 2025

Day 3631 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

John 15:5 NIV Nothing It’s quite the hard word to hear, perhaps in fact, in light of pride, the heaviest of all loads to hold, so heavy in fact that it brings us back to reality in which we come only to realize we cannot carry it within this life in which we tarry upon trying anyway. For I suppose that such is simply what we so selfishly and solemnly assume we’re supposed to do. To try. To attempt. To agitate and aggravate any and all opportunities seeking inside the lot of those many we’re given something that gives us the chance to prove what our pride knows we can only pretend. Because, well, deep down I think we know we can do nothing. At least nothing good, that is. And in fact that is what we discussed yesterday within a post considering the prose of Jeremiah 13:23 in which the Word says of you and me that we who are accustomed to doing evil cannot then do good. For the fact is that our foundation’s become a belief in far too many barricades and blasphemes which all combine to pr...

Day 3630 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Jeremiah 13:23 NIV I feel it best to preface this by being as upfront and honest as to the direction of this coming post as it is going to be one quite odd in consideration of our past several conversations. For of late we’ve been talking a lot about change as manifest within the threefold experiencing of that passage of Ephesians 4:22-24. It’s a passage that peruses the purpose of faith on the forefront as found within the frameworks of a working that is won within the will of what God wants for us who are His who’ve elsewise been living otherwise. This concept of the changes that faith makes begins within our putting off of the old self as corrupted by sinful and selfish desires as hindsight proves was never in fact a matter of might, maybe, nor any other grounds for arguability. It continues within the novel mindset sat upon the understandings as to both why and how this new direction has become so very dire in what is a renewed way of thinking found beyond all thought and theory as...

Day 3629 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Ephesians 4:24 NIV Where is there better to be found within what's already been? I posed that question yesterday within what are my smaller/shorter posts as posted upon such places as Instagram and Twitter. Can we still call it that? Anyway, I asked it because I fear we’re living in this fear of moving forward simply for the sake of both the effort required in all such movement but also because of the many changes or alterations or novel understandings and undertakings that are bound to come around should we move on from what we’ve already seen, previously known or always been. And it’s within this combined fear of both effort and challenge that I worry we’re losing the very gravity of the fact that this life is a gift. Meant to be lived, and thus moved. For no example of life is forever still. Indeed, as you may have noticed, and judging by the post engagement, you haven't, but on the off-chance you have, you'll have realized we've been talking a lot about change over ...

Day 3628 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Ephesians 4:23 NIV Because a change of mind begets and thus begins what becomes a change of life, and one almost always changed for the better. And in this case, the case of our faith, this better begat by a change of mind is that forever kind of better as found in a life lived there. In forever. Unfortunately, as you may have noticed, the word ‘change’ was mentioned a few times within all that. And this idea, this theory, this mention of such alteration is something that’s anymore quite confrontational because it seems to come across as having come from what is an undeniable outside perspective as proposed upon this purpose, at least on the surface, of seeming as if the other sees better or knows more than we might. And as a people who in pride delight, this matter is then measured in what’s considered a rather blatant affront to the arrogance we also like to deny. Yes, we deny any and all semblance or insinuation of change, a choice chosen from within an egotistical perspective that ...

Day 3627 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Ephesians 4:22 NIV Whereby being then made new within what are the attitudes of our minds as measured within the holiness held therein or rather a lack thereof as demanded if we’re to put then on the new self made to again be like God in true righteousness and holiness as held for so long in such low regard that something so critical as a grave was made the way by which brand new might we thus become. And so indeed, let us begin. Alas, it seems that perhaps the beginning is to become the most begrudging, most belittling, most absolutely brutal movements of all thereafter. Because the beginning of this brand new of what is eternally better only begins at our end. And this is pretty much right where most find plenty enough reason to consider this faith something so violently ridiculous that they then find reason to find all of us who walk in accord with a way and will not our own to be the very pinnacles of foolishness and idiocy. Simply because this world’s taught us to never venture to...

Day 3626 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Ezekiel 36:26 NIV I contend that the oddity of faith is felt in that because of it we’re being made new within a world all but happy being lied to, leaving all of our new to feel quite the confusion as we’re counted for once outside all delusion. And in fact, the parts of us that are being made new along this journey into that ever-shifting seeking of something of further understanding in regard to both where we’re standing and too how we oughtn’t be so still inside of what is such less than life has come to suggest that within this new life lived outside the lies people cling to, we’re daily receiving new the parts and perspectives that none of us know how to comprehend, let alone convince others should make sense. No, in fact the things that He is in us making new are the very same as those many that this world is still holding tight to. Leaving me convinced that the difficulty of this walk is found within what is a life in fact so new that each and every day we find in Him only ever...