
Showing posts from January, 2025

Day 3617 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Ecclesiastes 5:17 NIV You’ve likely heard it said that those early to bed and similar to rise are to be found among those few both healthy and wealthy and wise. Problem is we ain’t got time for that! In fact, within this world, one so currently confused as to the worth of time as calculated competing against the worth of what all we imagine we might afford should we run a sale on our agreeance to the substance of such socially assumed insignificance as such things as hours and minutes and moments, anymore we see, sadly, that time is only money. And it’s within this new cultural commonality that we’ve arrived into that in which we see plainly that money is considered worth more than time. And this is evidenced even further, if such firmament is truly needed, inside such things as all-night diners and seedy dive bars and the reliability of places such as Walmart being open 24-7 for all your low-cost needs. Or wants. Or whatever. They have it all there! Apparently. Yes, apparently the ent...

Day 3616 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Ecclesiastes 5:16 NIV An undue sight, an unsure realization, a thing which shouldn’t seemingly be as it so clearly has become, a grievance against a conscience as considered opposite the reality from which we’ve so sadly stumbled into who we’ve been. Indeed, it is a quite breathtaking heartbreaking to look around and see the sights of things assumed alongside what said assumptions have so widely inspired us all to become. Such ideas as a theoretical best life as bought by this belief that what we buy is somehow not what we become when the truth contends so clearly against such a bold-faced lie. Yes, it’s truly a grievous evil into which we’ve plunged at what is a break-neck speed in which what we seek is anymore all we speak. Yes, we’ve found so much of the world that we’ve all but lost our word. For what can our word mean when it means anything from everything to nothing as measured by whatever measure of matter we’re pretending might matter for the day? Following that, what can a day...

Day 3615 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Luke 12:19 NIV There seems a willfully unseen scene of danger designed alongside all merriment as it always invites us to become hesitant as to the considerations of such costs as consequence as always afforded us in ways we may not prove able to afford. Alas, such is what happens when a people such as we come to be as unburdened by what might be as we pretend to be by what already is. We just get this idea in our heads that says that we've won at life as we've found all we've wanted within or can at least plot a more perfect course through both chase and change should either prove a matter measurably unbecoming what we’ve come to crave or crave may come. And thus life has unraveled into this monstrosity in which all of us seem to know only life as if a mutiny. Only we’ve no idea as to what we’ve stolen nor then how to pilot this ship we’ve now sought to commandeer, unsuccessfully mind you in that we simply can’t so steal from God what His will won’t relinquish. No, truth h...

Day 3614 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

James 4:14 NIV “What is your life?” As you’ve likely noticed there are a whole lot of questions asked within these posts. And sure, many of them are quite rhetorical in nature as they’re asked in what’s anything from irony, in regard to our penchant toward idiocy, all the way to what are warnings considered within the continuation of our doing what we know we shouldn’t be, refer back to the idiocy. And there too, there are many questions asked in these devotions that are geared toward making us all hopefully a bit more aware as to what we are doing as discovered perhaps only best through the considerings of why. But then there are questions that even Scripture asks, such as that found in this verse for today. And as with all Biblical study and Scriptural exposition as expanded through detailed, and at times even delayed, expository writing, I know that there are always the contextual considerations to, well, consider, and we will certainly do so within the up ahead in regard to this po...

Day 3613 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 90:10 NIV To where and from what? You know, it seems to me a clearer certainty every single day anymore that we’ve gotten the outcomes opposed. It’s so sadly common to misconstrue hope and meaning into matters made or measured within this moment and never held anywhere nor within anything elsewise. And this apparently agreed upon “understanding” of everything from life to its very meaning has caused us to discount the deeper depths to which we’ve been asked. And we agree to there never go because we know it would be a journey fit perfectly with everything from danger to doubt. And well, we’ve already enough of those to go around! Indeed, we’ve arrived in this way of life in which, as we discussed yesterday, the only thing we never really seem to worry about is time. It’s as if the clock is just there to mock! “Watch me,” we say, insisting that the ticking tune its attention to our proving it wrong. Because surely it’s not really running out. Surely we have plenty of hours and day...