Day 3631 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.
John 15:5 NIV Nothing It’s quite the hard word to hear, perhaps in fact, in light of pride, the heaviest of all loads to hold, so heavy in fact that it brings us back to reality in which we come only to realize we cannot carry it within this life in which we tarry upon trying anyway. For I suppose that such is simply what we so selfishly and solemnly assume we’re supposed to do. To try. To attempt. To agitate and aggravate any and all opportunities seeking inside the lot of those many we’re given something that gives us the chance to prove what our pride knows we can only pretend. Because, well, deep down I think we know we can do nothing. At least nothing good, that is. And in fact that is what we discussed yesterday within a post considering the prose of Jeremiah 13:23 in which the Word says of you and me that we who are accustomed to doing evil cannot then do good. For the fact is that our foundation’s become a belief in far too many barricades and blasphemes which all combine to pr...