Day 3659 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.
2 Corinthians 4:18 NIV Sight forsaken. Simply for the sake of what’s found in faith in that I cannot disprove what I as of now know I have not seen, which while that may sound weird in regard to the wondering as to how anyone is supposed to see what they can’t prove isn’t there, but in reality, such is faith, is it not? For to see is to know, but that only what the eye is assured of whereas to hope is to know further than the eye can see. And thus faith, to me, is something that simply must make more sense than the sense of sight might only ever assume, simply because of the sheer difference in distance. Because our eyes can see a few miles at most. But our hopes, well, they’ve long seemed able to see both memories and the more we still intend to make in the days that we absolutely cannot prove we’ve still left in which to make them. Which is the only excitement that I find I’ve left in life. It’s that felt within looking beyond what is this barricade of a life all but already lost. Be...