
Showing posts from February, 2025

Day 3659 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

2 Corinthians 4:18 NIV Sight forsaken. Simply for the sake of what’s found in faith in that I cannot disprove what I as of now know I have not seen, which while that may sound weird in regard to the wondering as to how anyone is supposed to see what they can’t prove isn’t there, but in reality, such is faith, is it not? For to see is to know, but that only what the eye is assured of whereas to hope is to know further than the eye can see. And thus faith, to me, is something that simply must make more sense than the sense of sight might only ever assume, simply because of the sheer difference in distance. Because our eyes can see a few miles at most. But our hopes, well, they’ve long seemed able to see both memories and the more we still intend to make in the days that we absolutely cannot prove we’ve still left in which to make them. Which is the only excitement that I find I’ve left in life. It’s that felt within looking beyond what is this barricade of a life all but already lost. Be...

Day 3658 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Peter 3:3 NIV I’m increasingly convinced that among all the lies told for and from mankind, perhaps the most damaging will be that heard within how beauty is defined only behind the eyes of the beholder of such. For since when did beauty become so shallow as to be something supposedly only seen in its entirety? Does something such as the overall allure of the human soul truly know such a bounds as to be beheld by the eye alone? Or might we have merely settled for such a foolish assumption due to such sinfulness as lust and thus our looking always to our eyes to tell our minds that what we see is what’s best to crave? Indeed, we are anymore just so depraved as what’s now defined as such a superficial people that we seem almost entirely unable to understand the fullness of our existence. Rather we all just swim atop the surface in what seems a shared fear of our finding out just how much more we’ve always been. Because were we to ever see that life isn’t meant to be so limited as to be...

Day 3657 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Corinthians 6:19 NIV Rather at the merest consideration as to the cost paid to ransom these souls we’ve sold, no, we are tasked with the testimony of Christ’s triumph over our tragedy. And it’s one best told, make that only told within our every single moment and movement as both motivated by a great and growing gratitude that should be in fact so deep within us that we abhor the idea that anything we do or say or think or assume might be elsewise built behind the tendency of blinded eyes and disbelief to dance only upon the surface. No, we cannot so discount this deliverance as it is something that all need yet none might ever afford no matter how special or successful or precious or important or significant or bold or beautiful or powerful or popular we may ever be able to think ourselves to be. For this price He paid is now owed within the debt of a life, and simply put, one lost within the veil of vanity is not worth near enough to measure up to the mercy of the Messiah as His sa...

Day 3656 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Timothy 4:8 NIV Monster in the mirror. Such is what I’ve seen more times than I might ever remember. For there are these ruts into which we’ve run into what’s managed to become but a life left to rust for the sheer sake of something to show for our time as given so freely and fully to what may in the end prove only folly if not entirely fragile. Indeed, that is something I’ve long tried to overcome in regard to our human condition as contained within the temporal and tainted. Because I’ve, like you, never wanted to truly admit what we’ve all become. Which is but monsters made of misplaced importance. Indeed, I cannot for the life of me at this moment right here seem to recall all to which I’ve run seeking some way to validate that I am what I’d rather believe myself to be. For this world has managed to so mangle our minds that we’ve learned to mismanage our times to the tune of trying for what helps with the outward whilst thus almost completely ignoring the more that’s always seen o...

Day 3655 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Ecclesiastes 2:11 NIV In vain. Such is both to where and in what most if not all of life is aimed anymore, in vain. And such too is why nothing is ever gained. For anymore it’s all a matter measured in whether or not we’re where or what we’ve wanted to see or show unto those who look as we upon only the surface of things. Indeed, such is vanity in that vanity is but a setting of our sights upon the scene shown of the shown and seen. It’s our looking to those things that we can see as the only matters allowed to matter all that much for only the sheer simplicity of so allowing our sight to continue stealing our life. And indeed, to walk this time believing only our eyes has not only made matters worse in terms of the growth of vanity and vitriol, but it’s in fact perhaps even been what’s contributed most to our now commonly shared outlook within which most seem quite content to contend that nothing matters at all. Thus the furthering of the fall. For life was never a matter to be measur...