
Welcome to The Forge!

Welcome to The Forge! This page is all about God, our faith in Him, and finding our way back to the truths and principles found in His Word. As I'm sure many of you have noticed, the world is losing its mind. Sin is celebrated. Wrongs are viewed as right. What's right is out the window and seldom considered. Popularity is the driving force behind many actions. Being politically correct is the norm and anything else is just not acceptable.  Well, none of that nonsense flies in The Forge. We are stronger t han the pressures of the world around us. We are tougher than the pull of sin. We are called to rise above the fog of this hate-fueled judgment that the world is covered in. God didn't create us as timid little beings that need to be led around by our noses. He designed us to do better than simply go with the flow. No, He made us much different than that. He made us to be leaders, He created us to go against the grain, live outside the lines, and stand tall and hold firm to...

Day 3667 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Corinthians 13:12 NIV A prisoner of hope. Held in captivity by the obscurity that is eternity as counted against the muddied certainty of the scene presently seen inside the constantly shown and entirely too well known. And yet somehow still hard to understand. For such is the bountiful burden that is every hope any may ever have. It’s measured beyond the moment in what is a sheer audacity to consider the certainty of the otherwise unproven if not presently impossible. Indeed, any hope had is never a hope seen. For that would render the curiosity moot and thus destroy the loot that is whatever it is that we’ve looked to through hearts willing to go through whatever confusions or consequences may await between where we are and who we believe we might be. And this is a right difficulty in life, this stepping unto and steeping into a slipping on through the veils of confidence as torn to shreds of unimportance by the very fact that faith never asked us to be the ones who found the way n...

Day 3666 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 8:18 NIV Will be. But not yet. Because, like it or not, and most mostly don’t, we’ve still a life to live and lose within what is this in between bound between here and home by what are chains of change. And it’s because of our problem with the ways in which He helps us change that this middle is often muddled in what feels a huddle of a life lived on a fourth and long looking for some sort of miracle to just us get through those many moments that make us feel as if we’re ourselves fading into the fall of it all because of the many problems we’ve made. For such is the weight of the wait as discussed a bit yesterday. It’s won within our weighing the wait of what is an anchor that’s held us outside of where hope always was. Just don’t think we ever really knew that we didn’t have to stay outside. We only did because the path aimed into His will looks like fire and failure and thus probably our finding and feeling frustrated failures who fail to find or feel the courage to count th...

Day 3665 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

James 5:7 NIV The weight of the wait. There seems, as life grows toward wherever life goes, this growing knowing that the waiting is weighing a worth of wonder as to whether whatever may be good enough as measured always against the unseen uncertainty of the perhaps better still. And I think that it’s that stillness that finds us so often afraid as we wait for whatever more may be in store that seems to most a horrible bore as borne within the moment in which we’re at present already surrounded with what seems a perfect plenty. And it’s, to us, this supposed plenty already perfected that exists as if only to remind of the more we could have right now as opposed to later on if we’d just do as our impatience would prefer as present. For within this world there is undeniably a great many good enoughs and even quite a few pretty greats. But that’s where it begins to find this weighing, this life spent mostly in waiting. It’s found within the feeling that what we want is rather a needing, f...

Day 3664 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 John 3:2 NIV A measured hope. Such seems all we’ve seen within this life spent trading away the better day of a life lost inside the unknowns of everything we’ve never been before for what is a way in which we waste away within want and wish for things that seem more trustworthy simply because they’re seen easy. And this lack of what ought to be a continuous chase for the uncatchable has left all of us barely hanging on to any semblance of hope at all. All because we’ve tied so tightly our every hope to every noticeable or measurable thing that we cannot now ourselves seem to separate the two. No, rather seeing so sadly remains believing and this has left us even begrudging the beauty that it is to imagine something better as found just a little further along that often-fragile feeling of faith. In fact, as we talk about quite a lot anymore in what is hopefully something of an encouragement to you as we few continue to fight this fight against the judgements of the jaded, faith is it...

Day 3663 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Corinthians 15:54 NIV So then why the sky? That question crossed my mind yesterday as I climbed closer to it within what is an apartment stairwell on a mail run reading a credit card offer that sought to inspire my debt with the promise of the sky still being the limit for what might be possible should I have all this extra funding that was never mine to begin with. And it’s within such oddities as these that I find an inescapable truth in regard to how the Lord does indeed work in some pretty strange ways! Like using junk mail to inspire what is today’s attempt at my once again seeking His glory through a story He’s been telling both to and through me for a growing portion of my adult life. A story set in impossibilities that only a child could believe. Because it’s one asked in questions pondered in response to common normalities such as old wives tales and a culture of clichés. And in fact it’s one that brings about such wonderings within even the wee hours of the mornings in that...