
Welcome to The Forge!

Welcome to The Forge! This page is all about God, our faith in Him, and finding our way back to the truths and principles found in His Word. As I'm sure many of you have noticed, the world is losing its mind. Sin is celebrated. Wrongs are viewed as right. What's right is out the window and seldom considered. Popularity is the driving force behind many actions. Being politically correct is the norm and anything else is just not acceptable.  Well, none of that nonsense flies in The Forge. We are stronger t han the pressures of the world around us. We are tougher than the pull of sin. We are called to rise above the fog of this hate-fueled judgment that the world is covered in. God didn't create us as timid little beings that need to be led around by our noses. He designed us to do better than simply go with the flow. No, He made us much different than that. He made us to be leaders, He created us to go against the grain, live outside the lines, and stand tall and hold firm to

Day 3523 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Joshua 24:14 NIV While the faces and spaces may have changed indeed, and rather dramatically if not perfectly at that, I fear that Egypt remains and thus too its stains as swollen inside a people unwilling to move forward in faith. For as it turns out, that’s the only real direction that faith moves. And as faith is life, too thus, forward in faith is the only movement in which any of mankind can ever truly exist let alone ever really hope because hope can only ever be really realized if we’re to ever finally abide beyond the inside fashioned of these forsaken assumptions of presumption and pride which have been passed down leaving us all only living life to pass away along with a world in which we’ve walked and from which we’ve learned how to do so and still not manage to get anywhere. For despite our progressions past Pharaohs and our tendency to see such humanity as the only existence of true authority afforded unto us within which to witness the theophany we so dearly desire in ord

Day 3522 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 8:5 NIV “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.” Perhaps proving now rather ironic in that those who fail to learn from the past will indeed succeed in repeating it. Yeah, such is the clarity seen when one humbly agrees to read the Word! In fact, while studying throughout Judges here lately, I’ve noticed that same message shared above strewn throughout the Scripture in what seems an invasive tie which binds the entirety of the book’s basis together with the fact that we’re still even today but a continuation of the calamity designed inside such a unanimous dishevelment as that of the leadership vacuum created when everyone does as they see fit. Indeed, despite the fact that that very inclination is what eventually came to all but destroy Israel as a nation, yet it’s a pattern so repeated that we’ve not saw fit to repeal it even these centuries advanced from the common failures to undertake a lone reverence left to the Lord alone. For even now, everyone d

Day 3521 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 John 2:17 NIV As to why the words from a song written some 100+ years ago would become, all of the sudden and thus quite suddenly, something of such inescapable substance that someone would be otherwise unable to not talk about it, well, I have no idea. But it seems as though these days I see that the luster and allure of lure and lie will indeed, as the song says, grow strangely dim in light of the glory of the God who sent the Son who left the Spirit who leads us home. For as said Son said himself, “if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?” Indeed, it seems as if already we’ve found why that hymn has given me something to say. Because if that home were not so toward what then would He have died to lead? If that hope weren’t given unto us why, while on earth, would any hope in life beyond that held here? For the most common message tells us constantly that there are plenty of things within this world in which to house our hope and

Day 3520 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 John 2:15 NIV As if but a vagabond walking home, entirely too assured of where they’re headed to consider hoping in or holding to anything they may find anywhere between where they are and where they know they belong. Alas, it seems that we assume that to belong is an assurance all its own. In fact it’s become a human inclination to find that place in which we feel we fit. There’s an almost natural neutrality to it in that it’s a pursuit preferred by all and for almost nothing but good reasons. For we were made to belong, to be what we were made to be where we were made to be it as that is the design of humanity for we are all still but man in a garden surrounded by the rest of creation created by a Creator that designed both mankind and every other kind to live together and all likewise enjoy the expanse of our existence where we’ve been given said experience of existing. And yet we’ve sought so long and so far and so very fervently, and too thus through so many things along the way

Day 3519 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 16:17 NIV Though not at all all that quick to be found in agreement, the poignancy of Scripture’s often pointed purpose is proven perfectly within an urgency painted inside the naivety which defines us all. And we’re not quick to be found in agreement with such personal debasement because it’s an almost perfect opponent to this vile pride we’ve come to prize so highly that we simply cannot dare be seen anywhere near what may be considered lowly. We can’t allow a world filled with the jaded and judgmental to see us as anything other than as perfectly pretensive and personally pious as the rest of a fallen and yet swollen society has so clearly become. Indeed, we can’t become the one living by truth in what’s then a life displayed amongst a land so lost in lies that to face the facts is to all but agree to die. For that is the purpose of Scripture, and thus the obviousness as to why we all fall in such great lengths to avoid being seen in agreement with it. Because none here want

Day 3518 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Joshua 23:7 NIV Because to not succumb to our surroundings has been among the most pervasive and thus resounding soundings suggested since the very first of we who are His creation. Indeed, it’s almost as if God’s always known just how open to alternative ideas and societal suggestion we’d eventually become. For when considered from a not-at-all hard to imagine perspective, it seems that even that very first command to not eat of that one tree was a blessing aimed at helping us to realize that the environment in which we find ourselves was never meant to inspire this idea, that it has anyway, in that we anymore seem only to believe that the place we’re in and the people we’re among have somehow more that it, that they can offer us than what all God’s already given. Indeed, we’ve almost completely lost that sort of radical simplicity as seen inside His reminding us incessantly that He is a jealous God and that as such we should have none other before Him. Let alone the innumerable idols