Day 1991 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 96:3 NIV

If you've been reading my last several posts, you probably realize just how passionate I am about the topic of staying focused on God and His calling for our lives. So many get distracted by all the things around us. And here lately, there are even more things to get involved in. All of these headlines coming out, the controversial topics everyone's talking about, and the normal everything things are still there too. Just plenty of things that the world is basically demanding our two cents about.

There's a lot of things that we're being told are important. But when we run them through the filter of our faith, they simply pale in comparison to the responsibility of sharing the Gospel with others. That is the main thing that we should always be concerned about because it's the one thing that can truly change lives. It's the one thing that can lift people out of the darkness they're lost in and lead them to the gift of salvation.

So we cannot put that duty, that opportunity on the back-burner while we jump into some other hot-button topic. We just can't. It is truly too important. As my mom often points out whenever the topic gets brought up, we would want someone to tell us about Jesus if we didn't know, so we should do the same for them. He changes lives, and we all know that first-hand. So sharing Him with the world is a crucial as it gets.

Here's the thing though, we don't have be like this world to do it. We don't have to blend in so we launch this sneak attack from the inside out. The Gospel isn't some kind of Trojan horse. We get into this mindset where we need to become like the world so that it will listen to us. We think that the more we have in common with people, the more they'll pay attention to us. But it doesn't work like that. Doesn't work like that at all. All that kind of thinking does is lead us to taking on the ways of the world. And in the process, we can easily forget who He made us to be and what we're here to do.

That's honestly what scares me about seeing everyone get so wrapped up in the things this world is focused on. I'm worried that we will miss opportunities to share Christ. I'm worried that all this other stuff will become our focus. I'm worried that we will become so focused on winning some worldly argument that we totally forget about the duty of sharing the Gospel. As I've said in the past, it's hard for someone to hear how much Christ loves them when we're not telling them. When we're just yelling about the same stuff everyone else is, then that's all they're going to hear.

He doesn't call us to be involved in everything the world is involved in. As Paul tells us in Titus chapter 3, "avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless." He asks us to spread throughout this place carrying His message and His light with us. Can't let anything come before that. And we just don't need to pick up a bunch of needless and useless baggage along the way. It will only distract us from doing what He needs us to do.

As I said up top, we've all experienced His grace and mercy in our own lives. And now that we know what it's like, we have the chance to share that with others who need it. Tell me anything that is more important than that. Good luck coming up with something! It just doesn't get more powerful than sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. So that has to always be our goal. Nothing, and I mean nothing will ever be as important. Share your testimony, not your opinion. Share the Gospel, not the latest drama. Share Christ, because our world will never not need Him!


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