Day 2685 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Ephesians 4:17 NIV Only a few find their way through the small gate onto the narrow path toward life. That's the verse that we discussed in yesterday's post, and how unfortunately it means that many will miss out on the reward that's been offered to those who choose to humble themselves and accept Christ into their hearts as their Lord and Savior. We like to imagine that nearly everyone will make it into Heaven, but with how highly sin is praised and enjoyed in this place, Heaven's population is likely dwindling due to the continuous choice to serve self over serving God. So how do we find the narrow path that leads to life? How do we set our sights on chasing down that prize of eternal peace? How do we know that we'll be among the few who one day walk the streets of gold without pain or sorrow or any other negative thing? Well, thankfully, Scripture helps us out, and in all reality, it's not too difficult to understand. Actually, it's rather simple, but whe...