Day 2683 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.
1 Corinthians 1:18 NIV
I'm not on social media all that much anymore. Sounds kind of weird considering I post these Bible verse discussions every single day, but outside of doing this, I find that I have a waning interest in the cesspool that is social media these days. But in the few times that I've gotten on my accounts over the last several days I have seen some of the most vicious, hateful, threatening, demeaning, and downright disgusting rhetoric ever. I've also had others bring things to my attention that they've seen as well, and I think what it boils down to is this:
Get ready, because Jesus wasn't joking when He said, "You will be hated by everyone because of me."
For basically the entirety of my 34 1/2 years on this earth, people have been relatively civil and polite. Growing up it was a true rarity to experience pure evil-driven hatred. But as we've gone along and our country has chosen to continue to devolve into this collection of folks who only want to hate and ridicule and argue and throw stones, well, we're growing closer and closer to the point of no return. And honestly, I don't know but that we've already passed it and that there's nothing left for any of us to do but to ensure where we stand and prepare for the days ahead of us that are sure to be both eye-opening and difficult.
What I've seen over the last several days points to the sudden outrage against Christianity and everyone who holds the beliefs that we have. In the wake of the supreme court's numerous recent rulings, people have decided the time has come to unleash their anger and start finding people to blame for the things that are unfolding and changing in our society. And well, considering much of what our faith is built upon stands in stark contrast to the pitiful excuse for existence that the majority of people prefer to enjoy, it's absolutely no surprise that our faith has suddenly come under fire as being to blame.
You see, this is a world that loves everything we are commanded to hate. We're to hate sin. Sin is anything that goes against the perfect will of God. Whether it be murder or immorality or whatever other wicked pleasure that many seem to have, it has no room in our faith because it goes against who God made us to be and how He expects us to live. But people don't want to hear about that. They don't want to hear about sin because in their minds, they're not doing anything wrong. Folks have decided that nothing is off limits, there are no responsibilities to live righteously, and therefore there are no consequences for failing to do so.
Instead, people want what their hearts crave and will only listen to those who say that way of life is just fine. So when we come along with this message that points to the reality of sin and the fallen nature of all humans on this earth, we're probably not going to find a very warm welcome. Still, sharing the Gospel and holding tight to our faith has never been so controversial and offensive as it has become in recent days, weeks, and months. What we're seeing is what we've been told is coming.
People will stop listening to the truth of the Gospel because it goes against the truth they've concocted to make their sins and foolish choices seem harmless. They will fight against anyone who tries to warn them about living apart from God. They will hate those who choose to go against the wicked ways that many find to be the only right way to live. They will throw stones, call names, pass blame, and do whatever else it takes to take the heat off of themselves and avoid feeling guilty for living in sin and feeling good about it.
Friends, this message we're here to share will not be appreciated because our world has chosen the path of selfish pleasure and sinful enjoyment. They lavish in this hollow example of freedom that stops at nothing to live your best life and throw all caution to the wind so that nothing hinders the enjoyment we find in this place. The problem, as we kind of touched on yesterday, is that for so long people have been told that they can do whatever they want that they've forgotten how to handle being told no. They don't know how to deal with not getting their way and being told that their way isn't right.
As we discussed in yesterday's post, the lines have been drawn or are being drawn at this very moment. And each of us will have to choose where we stand in this fight that is rapidly approaching. From what I've seen in the world of social media, which has become nothing more than a virtual battleground where people seek out arguments so they can let their hatred flow against those who hold different beliefs and values, Christian faith will become more difficult and therefore more rare because nobody wants to be hated or attacked. Just remember that we have been warned ahead of all this, and so we shouldn't be surprised at what's coming.
It's not fun to be hated when all we're trying to do is love people in a way that they no longer understand. We're trying to love people out of their sinful suicides into the loving salvation of a Father who doesn't really have any reason whatsoever to forgive us or take us back. We're trying to help folks see that while sin may be fun and pleasurable and exciting, it ends in eternal suffering. And we're just trying to help save people from that horrendous fate, and we're going to be hated for it because it demands that we tell people that many of the things that we do as humans are wrong.
Maybe the hardest part for us as Christians will be knowing that the number of people who choose eternal suffering will increase as days go by and people continue to be infatuated with everything that's evil and wicked. We can't save them all because many simply don’t want to be saved as it requires admitting that they need to be saved. And we simply can't force them to change their minds or their hearts. We can only stand on the word of God and deliver this message that we've been asked to share. We can only keep trying and praying that people will soften their hearts and turn and seek Christ while there is still time to do so. But many won't because everything our faith is and all that it is built upon is silly to those who are in love with sin.
Make no mistake, our road will not get wider or more comfortable or any easier. It's going to narrow, grow more challenging, face more trial and tribulation, and bring even more hatred and strife than we've seen or can imagine. We know that this faith of ours saves lives. It saves souls. It changes temporary fear into eternal hope. It trades the suffering we've earned for the salvation we don't deserve. We cannot stop trying no matter what people say or how vile they become.
Sadly, as we're told in Matthew 24:12, the love of many will grow cold. Many will fall away from the faith as the anger and hatred against our kind grows hotter. But I want everyone to remember that we're not here to liked or accepted. We're here to share the truth of the Gospel because it can and will save any and every person that opens their heart to accepting it. Many will not because they've decided it's foolish. But we keep going for the ones who still have a chance. So let the hatred come. It may not be easy or enjoyable, but it shouldn't be. Our Savior suffered, and if we find ourselves being hated and persecuted as well, then we're doing something right.
It's for the ones who have a chance, not those who have already chosen to ignore this message we have to share. Do not give up no matter how hard or painful it gets. We owe it to everyone to share the message of the Gospel. If they listen, they'll find the peace and hope and joy that we all know. If they don't listen, they don't. So take heart. Find courage. Stand boldly on the word of God. And again, get ready.
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