Day 2808 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Jeremiah 3:24 NIV From the very dawn of civilization, mankind has managed to somehow fail to learn one of the most crucial truths that exists. The problem that created original sin continues to be the problem that corrupts and destroys humanity today. They say that if you don't learn from the past that you're destined to repeat it. Well, we've clearly not learned our lesson because we simply fail to understand how an apple can teach us anything. And so we’re repeating that same downfall over and over again. That lesson is that what we consume may also end up consuming us. It seems that every single year, without fail, this idea starts spinning around my mind during the lead-up to this holiday that many are celebrating today. Flipping through the channels and seeing all the ads for all the scary movies. Watching a show and seeing a commercial for some new horror flick that's coming out. Scrolling around the interwebs and seeing stories and messages and advertisements and...