Day 2803 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Ezekiel 12:2 NIV

We are a people bent on rebellion, and it's been that way from birth. Each of us are born into a mindset of mutiny against those we deem to be in charge. Not sure if we just want to be in control or if we love being able to reject authority and prove we know a better way, but whatever the case, our hearts only know rebellion. We want to run, to flee, to do our own thing without question or threat of penalty. Humanity only knows dissent and disobedience.

Something about the allure of making our own way has taken such deep root in our minds that we know no other way. The thrill of going against something or someone ushers this flood of adrenaline and excitement that fuels our continued desire to push back against any semblance of rule or control or expectation. We just have such a deep desire to prove how smart and tough and witty we are, and no amount of error or foolish mistake seems to be shameful enough to break that wayward spirit.

A while back we discussed this idea, and yesterday's post got me thinking about it all over again. We have eyes that are well-capable of seeing, yet we choose not to. We have ears designed to gather the sound waves created by the world around us, and yet we set our hearts to maintaining a gross unwillingness to listen to reason or wisdom. We have minds that are able to understand, at least to a certain extent, and still we waste them on pursuing our selfish passions rather than seeking humility that leads to actual growth toward legitimate wisdom.

Yesterday we discussed the evidence of God and how He has made Himself known to all of humanity. He has never made it hard to hear His voice or feel His presence. He literally gave us a book containing His words and a Spirit that guides us in His presence! But still, that innate rebellion that exists within us remains steadfastly adamant to reject those resources because they bring with them a demand of humility that opposes our desire to be the ones in control of our lives.

We don't want to read a book that teaches us how to live because we know we'll find that we've done it wrong. We don't want to kneel in prayer because we know that doing so will mean we concede our authority to another. We don't want to consider our guilt or failures or weaknesses because doing so will reveal the true condition of our souls, and that's a truth we simply cannot bear to face as it completely erodes our vanity.

And yet, ironically, humanity's unwillingness to admit God's existence and accept His truth is, in my opinion at least, the greatest proof of His existence. Millions, or rather billions (across the span of time since the dawn of creation), have followed their wayward hearts all the way from their first breath to their last. Countless people have lived their entire lives in rebellion against God. From Adam and Eve all the way to you and me, humanity has never had a problem going against God even so far as to deny His very existence and persecute those who believe in Him.

So, if so many have had no issue whatsoever in living their lives in both rebellion and denial, then why is the Gospel still being shared? Why does the Gospel exist at all? Why would any human ever share a story about something built upon their failures and flaws when admitting those goes against everything much of the world believes?

If humanity has long had eyes unwilling to see, why are some willing to admit they see things differently than most? If our ears can still be coaxed to refuse to listen to God, then why do a small few still try? If there's nothing to be gained from professing our faith in this world outside of trial and persecution, then why would anyone do so?

If it's such commonplace to rebel against God, to deny His existence, to debate his truth, and to live apart from Him, then why am I typing this post discussing all this?

Why take the risk? Why embrace the humility? Why would anyone admit their guilt? Why would anyone go against the commonalities of this world when so many live rather successful and comfortable lives doing as the Romans do?

How can a people whose hearts are fully and completely and passionately set on rebellion find the capacity to go against those instinctual human desires and actually confess their sins and seek a path of humility that in every way goes against what's seemingly natural?

Because God exists. Because no matter how badly we may crave rebellion, we know that we've found nothing down that road. Because in all of our desire to disprove, we've found only reason to believe. Because in all of our human desires to run away, we've just never managed to fully break free and turn off that tiny whisper inside that tells us we were made for more than what we think is best. Because no matter how much fun we've had in all our years running wild, somehow our eyes have been opened to see the mistakes we've made.

And friends, in a world where admitting guilt is deemed not only unnecessary but basically stupid, the desire to admit our sins comes only from a source of truth and reality not confined to this world or limited to how much of society thinks.

It can only come from God.

It's not from me, because again, rebellion. Our hearts do not want to admit guilt, and yet a select few can't help it. Our ears don't want to hear the truth of who've been and just how wrong it is, but some can't turn that voice off. Our eyes don't want to look upon the mountain of mistakes we've made, and yet, somehow, some of us just can't see past it.

Considering it's so easy and so natural for humans to rebel, the fact that we have before and yet can no longer is proof that there's another authority that overrides our own.

And it must be God because only God knows how we work, has seen what we've done, knows all of our sins, and yet still remains willing to forgive and lead us to something better that can only be found along a path paved with humility in which we simply can't help but lose our desires and have them replaced with something that goes against everything this world is built on.

We are living among a rebellious people. But there's a massive difference between being among and being a part. We are in this world, but no longer of this world. We are humans but not doing as the rest of humanity does. We are still here, yet our hearts have found hope in the promise of somewhere else. We are living among a rebellious people, but we ourselves have found a desire to break rebellion and seek faith in an authority outside our own.

That's why the Gospel is still being shared. Because the ability to break our natural desire to rebel cannot come from ourselves. It must come from somewhere else. It must come from someone with more power than we have on our own. It must come from a truth that is undeniable, because if it could be avoided, we'd avoid it just because doing so is natural to us.

This message of the Gospel will never be commonly accepted because it's completely unnatural. Admitting guilt, confessing sins, surrendering control, embracing humility. It all goes against everything we've always been taught to be. And yet, it's all we can be once our eyes and ears are opened to see and hear the truth we never had the right to author or the power to deny in the first place.

We may be among a rebellious people, but thankfully, God has called us out of that. Not that we don't still wrestle with those desires, but we know there's no gain to be found down that path. God is making us different, and for that we should be unspeakably thankful. So thankful in fact that we're more than happy to be considered foolish and face persecution because we know that they only prove that we are different than this place that's running away from God.

Sadly, our faith will always be rare and so our job here will always be difficult. We carry a message to a people who won't hear it. We hold evidence of God before a people who refuse to see. We follow a path that most simply can’t or won’t understand. But, by His leading we'll keep on trying because somewhere along the way, our faithful willingness to stand out and go against our human nature will be noticed by others who are open to believing and will be saved in the process.

In the world, but no longer of the world. Changed, but not by ourselves. Different, but not due to our own choices. Saved, but not under our own power. Bold, but not because we desire to be. Courageous, but only by the power of God. Willing, but only because He has done a work in us that we would have never done if we could have avoided it.

You want proof of God? The fact that any stubborn and prideful and egotistical human would admit His presence and point to Him rather than themselves is some of the best proof you could ask for!


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