Day 2959 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Jeremiah 17:5 NIV Have you ever stopped to wonder why so much gravity is being given to human opinion and preference? I know it's something that we all do as children as we enter our school age years and suddenly find ourselves thrust into a massive new world filled with a whole bunch of new people. Our natural inclination to want to make friends and find those who enjoy being around us and who we enjoy being around begins to take on a greater importance simply because we're not solitary creatures. We do well in community as in a group or class or clique we find a greater mix of abilities and strengths and knowledge upon which we can rely and lean and even utilize in order to build one another up. We look for those whom we can trust to help us as we hope they know that they can trust us to help them. We find and then foster and then further these friendships as we believe they offer us a good reward and a solid assurance of mutual edification. But as we continue growing, we fin...