Day 2958 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

John 12:43 NIV

"A mob is the place where people go to take a break from their conscience."

Because, when surrounded by those willing to lie and tell you only what you want to hear, it’s easier to drown out that small voice inside that keeps reminding us of the truth.

In the direction that our society is clearly heading, there seems to be this apparent intrinsic and interesting appeal of a communal mindset. It offers an escape, or at least the semblance of such, from things like personal responsibility and individual courage. Gathering around oneself a horde of companions from which to glean appeasement and acceptance affords us the ability to forgo the effort required in standing for our own beliefs all on our own two feet.

Instead, so long as we adopt the generalized consensus established and expected by the group in which we seek our inclusion, we're all set. Just blend in, make sure to repeat the lines just right, wear the right colors or logos or whatever other iconography and all is well.

Except, no, not all is well. In fact, there is an immense danger in allowing ourselves to become clones of those around us, especially when only done so that we don't have to live our own lives, have our own thoughts, embrace our own responsibilities or face our own consequences. There is nothing 'safe' about these ideas of 'safe spaces' or finding 'safety in numbers.' It’s nothing but a mindset that allows us to escape the reality of personal responsibility through the much easier assumption that, if going along with the choices others are making, then we’re not solely responsible for the choices being made.

In fact, all this kind of thinking really does is cause us to forget that we alone will end up answering for our lives, how we lived them and the choices made in them. We alone are solely responsible for ourselves, and this communal mindset, while easy and simple and quick to provide its payoff, only hinders the maturity that we ought to be seeking that provides us with the courage, strength, tenacity and fortitude to stand on our own with the understanding that one day we will answer for all that we do, and that we’ll do so on our own.

As I've shared in a post not long ago, one day all of us will find ourselves all alone standing before the judgement seat of God. And should we have lived our lives relying on others to help provide both our identity as well as security from those who disagree or disapprove of our choices, then we'll likely find ourselves unexplainably terrified when, all of the sudden, all our 'friends' are nowhere to be found and we must face the music that we tried to drown out with a chorus of voices cheering us on.

I shared yesterday a statement that someone shared in regard to the latest tragic unfolding in Nashville. It's a truly disturbing and honestly just despicably depressing statement, but also one that always seems incredibly easy to find the wake of any sad moment in our nation. It's so common in fact that folks have created convenient images and 'ready to share' snapshots for an immediate release upon the opportunity presenting itself.

My point is that the world caters to like-mindedness. So many have settled for establishing their identity based almost entirely upon a group, a brand, a movement, a company, a logo or an acronym. It's done out of this effort to find a place wherein we fit and feel as if we belong, which is a clearly natural inclination of nearly all of humanity. We all seek, in one way or another, in one place or another, a home. We seek a community. We seek the relationships which offer to foster our ideals and our ideas and our identities.

But the problem is becoming that so many are so desperate to fit in, to be loved, to be liked, to be like someone that they're losing whatever they need to lose in order to squeeze into the places and groups and communities in which they desire to fit. And, in this world, things like morality, decency, integrity, compassion and even common sense are among the first things deemed expendable, simply because society is screaming that they're all no longer needed nor desired.

Instead, all that's welcome and nearly required is a willingness to conform, to compromise, to surrender control to the powers that control the group or movement or motive in which or for which we wish to enroll. In other words, everyone is just in this great big hurry to draw lines, pick sides, pass blame and get to hating. And what better way to unleash our inner monstrous darkness than finding a group of people who share our opinions and encourage our anger?

The main problem is that, at some point in the past, fairly recently I contend, society simply decided that human opinion and the appeasement of it was of far greater worth and reward than living according to a strong moral resolve that tied us, eternally, to a compass that refuses to allow us to veer off course and away from our personal responsibility to uphold our virtues and stand firmly upon our beliefs and refuse to waver no matter the pressures being pressed upon us to do otherwise.

In simpler terms, humanity folded. We quit. We gave up, threw in the towel, walked away, chose the easy path, accepted defeat.

Why? Well, simply because it's easier. It's easier to sit among a group of people who cheer you on than all by your lonesome with a pesky conscience that continually beckons you to do better. It's easier to surround yourself with people who are willing to say you're doing just fine than to listen the small voice saying you're nowhere close. It's easier to find a group who will agree with your opinions than to actually take a bit of time and evaluate those perspectives and prerogatives to ensure they're upright and accurate.

It's more comforting to hear a mass of voices saying that you're awesome, that you're welcome, that you're strong and amazing and special and worthy than to hear the truth reminding us of our failures and flaws and insufficiencies.

Basically, much of humanity has chosen to become the living embodiment of this verse.

Folks give far more concern and consideration to saying, doing, being and believing whatever will appease mankind than they do to adhering their lives to the clear moral standards set forth in the Word of God. People find it more rewarding to have humans pat them on the back and tell them how great they are than to set their sights on living to please a God of pure holiness and righteousness and justice and truth.

Guess maybe we're just scared. Now, not that anyone would admit that, because well, that just doesn't reflect well on this boldly courageous society that we've created wherein people are free to do as they please and the rules are made up and the consequences either void or nonexistent. So, to admit our fear of failing God would cause to also admit that we know we have, and well, ain't nobody got no time for that. Especially when there are millions ready, willing and somehow able to ignore the downfall.

What I wish we could all understand is just how fleeting human approval really is. I wish that the world could remember that we needn't please mankind as mankind can do nothing for us, can do nothing to us, can take nothing from us and can give nothing to us. I wish that minds would wake up from this delightful delusion that has so many enslaved to serving a society that it exceedingly excited about angering God.

I wish that hearts would begin once again to beat in tune with the One who set them in our chests.

But alas, this communal way of thinking and living and being and believing and almost even breathing is likely not going anywhere. It simply offers too much instantaneous advantage for people to see it for the danger it truly is. Instead, I fear that yet once again, Scripture clearly hit the nail on the head when in 2 Timothy we find this golden nugget of sheer terrifying reality that we're all witnessing unfold first-hand all around us at the moment:

"But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone."

Out of all that, I'd hope we'd take away "have nothing to do with such people. I'd hope that we'd hold tight to our faith and stand boldly upon it until such time as "their folly will be clear to everyone." I'd hope that we could allow our eyes to open just enough to realize that, again, Scripture bringing the heat, "Friendship with the world means enmity with God."

I would truly hope that folks, especially those within the faith who are truly wishing to follow and serve Christ and honor His holy Name would find courage to withstand the onslaught of hatred being unleashed upon those who refuse to bend their knee and bow their head and forfeit their salvation in exchange for a life of fleeting reward found within the momentarily warm embrace of a society that better get used to the heat.

I realize that that last statement, along with many others over the last couple of posts are likely to be considered rather pointed and possibly offensive. I'm okay with that. Not that I look to hurt feelings or anger anyone. But simply because the truth has been allowed to be ignored for long enough, and as a result, the world around us is imploding and I fear that our faith is on track to be tested in ways not known by any of us as of yet.

And I simply feel this undying urgency to wake us all up, to remind us of what's coming and of what's at stake, and to call to our attention the many ways in which this world is compromising, undermining and threatening to destroy our faith and this way of life we've chosen to live following the Way.

I truly feel as though the time for fun and games is waning rapidly. And, though many have likely never imagined lines such as we see being drawn being drawn, the fact is that this world is throwing its vanity and pride and filth and frivolity in the face of our Father, and at some point, His patience will run out. And when it does, the wrath that many laugh off and assume to be impossible and therefore not at all impending will upend all the sinful nonsense that's being encouraged and embraced by this incredibly wicked world.

And in that day, all of these groups in which so many are relying for comfort and safety and identity will prove unable to withstand, unable to stand, unable to save. And, if any of us in any way put any of our hope or trust or faith or friendship in these groups, in these ideologies, in these communities, then we'll likely find ourselves swept up with them. And there will simply be nothing comfortable or fun or welcoming about what awaits those who ignore God in the effort to appease man.

We don't need the world to like us. We don't need to lower ourselves to the sharing of disgusting perspectives and popularized postings presented by a populace predestined for punishment. We must come out from among this warped and wicked generation and stand firmly upon the Word of God and for our faith that inspires and propels and implores and encourages us to walk the narrow path toward the small gate that leads to life.

Do not become a clone of this world, no matter how many likes or followers or fans or friendships it may be able to offer you. It's just not worth aligning ourselves with something or someone or some group that is living apart from God and against His truth.

Seek your comfort, your hope, your trust, your identity within Christ alone. Because, when all we have is in Him, we'll need nothing else. And we'll fear nothing else.

In the end, the praise of man will mean nothing, but could very well cost us everything. If nothing else, it requires us to distribute our praise and worship and attention among things and people and ideas that are not God and not welcome by God. And if it takes our focus off of God then we will miss the very small road that leads to God. And that is something that, if we truly believe in the Word of God and the very clear promises that it holds, we should never be willing to risk.

No matter what the world promises to give us if we would do so.


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