Day 3142 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Ephesians 4:18 NIV Come to think of it, perhaps 'swine' is a bit too fine. You see, we exist among a place dead-set upon not living. We walk amongst those who've no interest in moving beyond the interim. It's this mindset made manifest in most which only remains feasible as it demands so very little of anyone that everyone is therefore able to measure up. It's a great shifting of the expectations to the point where nothing is considered too low to be unsatisfactory. Yes, the common culture of this catastrophe is one which clearly continues to choose everything and everyone but Christ. How is that even possible? He is love! He is mercy! He is kindness and compassion and healing and home and a road home we don’t have to pave or ask for permission to follow. What is the world missing that has so many willing to miss that opportunity? Easy. They’re missing their sanity. This place has become so unsanitized and desensitized to darkness that eyes can’t see anymore. Everyo...