Day 3138 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Peter 2:12 NIV

For such a time as this in such a place as this among a people such as this.

Last night I realized that my last couple of posts may well have included a few statements or ideas that many might have found particularly grating. And in this world we've been led to believe that any offense, accidental or otherwise, is an undeniable display of a gross lack of love and empathy for our fellow man. And yet, here I sit without the ability to feel bad for what I've said or implied or tried to get across across the last couple of days.

Because I do not feel the need to apologize for what is said when it's said in truth, and so therefore will not extend the offer of apology because I meant everything.

People really are living as if this life in this world is theirs to create or destroy as they see fit. They're running around in a sort of wildness that's led to a rampant display of vileness that only deepens by the day. Truth continues to be vilified by the many who are lost living a life hiding behind every lie they can find to make that choice seem reasonable.

And in the midst of it all, we find ourselves upon the receiving end of all sorts of misunderstandings only complicated by this socialized pressure to appease those around us as those around us have determined that doing so is the only acceptable manner in which to love one another.

So we few who adhere our lives to that truth that is hated, who love others via that truth as we're called to do, who do not wish to remain lost inside of sin as we know the cost it carries, and therefore, who do not wish others to remain in their self-forged chains of selfish enslavement to petty satisfaction are finding ourselves increasingly judged by the world we're just here trying to help while we're here.

But because what we've been called to do and the radicality of it all seems so foreign and strange to most, I fear we're in true danger of losing sight of the severity of our boldness in holding tight to what is good and scorning all that is evil.

Because there's a shame now attached to that. There's an outlook seen through the eyes of the masses that insists on us at the very least watering down all we say and do so as to not hurt any feelings or offend anyone. And as much as the truth is found to be entirely offensive by most anymore, that they're going beyond expecting or requesting us to lighten up to the point of demanding we do so to the point of entirely altering the Word upon which we're called to stand ought to be offensive to us.

But it seems as though it's not really taken that harshly. The world is angrier at us for speaking the truth than we’re offended at their unwillingness to hear us out. They’re willing to fight for the lies they believe, but I’m sad to say that it kind of seems like that same fight isn’t found on this side of a line clearly drawn in the sand.

No longer do we appear a people willing to come so boldly apart from the world that the world begins looking for ways in which to rid themselves of our peculiarities. No longer are we displaying a faith so unwavering as to welcome persecution as those who've gone before us did, but we're almost at least tinkering with the idea of going the other way. No longer does sharing in the suffering sound pleasing, and for that we should be offended at what we’ve allowed our personal faith to become.

Because what has it become if we’re more concerned about pleasing the world than pleasing our Father? And before you balk at that idea, let’s look at a couple of apparent directions folks are going in their approach to speaking the truth, because it’s clearly not all about what the people need to hear or what God has put on our hearts to say.

Instead, at least in places, it seems some are more worried about figuring out how to avoid the pushback that they see others facing. What can we do to make our message more palatable and pleasing to those who insist on gorging themselves upon the gluttonous outpouring of sinful proclivities? How can we garner interest in what we believe to be of vital and eternal worth amongst those who are so dulled down into demanding they be left alone to live as if they aren't at risk of dying?

How can we make Jesus more comfortable? Because sharing who He is and what He did and all He calls us to do in response sure ain't bringing us much comfort.

All it seems to bring anymore is hatred, judgement, exclusion, confusion. The speaking of truth in this land of those lost living lives built on lies has us marked public enemy numero uno. And for a people who believe so deeply in peace that they're willing to die in order to find its eternal measure to find so little of it among a place that promises it and shows it to all who fit in and bow the knee and go along with what they're told to do is leaving many wondering if they're doing something wrong.


Our lack of peace or appreciation or acceptance or applause lands us among those who learned how to walk this path from seeing Christ himself set the example. All throughout Scripture are to be found stories of the faithful facing persecution. Dens of lions. Flaming furnaces. Being sold into enslavement into a country far from home. Being beheaded just so the mouths attached to them will finally stop talking.

Being crucified just as Jesus was. Not because they did something wrong but because the good they did fell upon dead hearts who knew no other choice but to kill whatever threatened their way of living. That’s our example, He’s our example. Good lives lived for good but still entirely misunderstood as they were lived among a people who knew nothing of what’s good. And that’s why we’re called to be different.

Here in 1 Peter we see that we're to live good lives among those living outside of God's grace. But that definition of what defines a good life is what's been misconstrued of late I'm afraid. It's not about what everyone else thinks is good. We're not here to live a pagan’s version of good. We're not called to speak words that sound good to those who find enough good in deception that they clearly prefer it as their life’s main perspective.

We are not here to avoid offending those who are living a way of life that is entirely, completely, heartbreakingly offensive to God.

And that's what hit me yesterday when that little worry started rising louder telling me that I might have hurt someone's feelings over the past couple of posts. If I did, I did, but that doesn't mean I didn't mean what I said. That is a promise I've made both to myself and to God above that I firmly will not waver on in these posts.

I will say what I mean and I'll mean what I say because I know that I'll answer for every word that is shared throughout this mission of sharing a Bible verse devotional every single day.

For instance, when I said day before yesterday that I hope all who reject Christ enjoy what's left of their lives, well that's because I believe that to reject Christ is to reject eternal life. Simple. If someone finds us in this faith to be foolish and chooses to reject Christ's offer of salvation, Scripture says they will die because of their sins.

So I hope they find the enjoyment they're looking for in a life spent refusing their Savior, because it'll be the only life they ever have. Sorry if that offends, but I didn't come up with it!

The world is lost. Folks are hiding from hope. People are losing their lives all around us, but for us to hide that fact so we don't hurt their feelings or be labeled offensive and therefore find ourselves suddenly hated is to agree to their demise. If we shy away from the truth and the speaking of it in a way that opens eyes, then we're no better than the many who are sharing lies that keep those eyes blinded.

Personally I think it's a wonderful thing to be offended because it makes us wonder why. Well, maybe not makes us but encourages us to wonder why. Or, maybe not even that. It offers us an open door to the consideration as to why we found ourselves offended. Most people don't see it that way because they just stop where they're feeling are harmed and refuse to investigate why their feelings where in such a place to allow them to be hurt.

And so many don't step through the doors opened by offense to see if there's anything to learn on the other side of the discomfort.

But that's their choice, and that's the thing that we need to remember. We're not here to determine how anyone reacts to the truth we share with them. We're not here to change minds. We're not here to save anybody. That's simply above our paygrade. We can't do what He does. All we can do is tell the world what He does and share with them the truth that helped us finally understand the vital gravity of salvation and just how direly we needed it.

If nobody accepts it, that's between them and God. But if we don't tell them, that's between God and us. And I'd rather risk offending someone than letting God down. Because I can deal with people hating me, but having Him displeased in me is unacceptable to me. People and their hatred can kill a body but they cannot touch the soul inside. He can, and that's why He comes first.

And simply put, I can't care who likes that and who doesn't because in this faith, in my perspective of it, society shall not be allowed to become an idol or a god that's given equal consideration or honor or glory or reverence to the one true King.

He comes first, no if’s, and’s, but’s or other bewilderments. He is first, the world can deal with whatever’s left.

Because as a Christian, I am here to live such a good life among those outside of Christ that upon the day He returns, their hatred will testify that I didn't leave them comfortable. When that day comes and the truth is all that remains and all these worldly lies have gone for good, they'll be forced to admit that we walked a different line that made them uneasy. They'll be the ones who speak on our behalf when they have to finally say that we did live for something different than they did, so different that they couldn't stand it.

We shall not live in fear of man, of offending man, of making man uncomfortable. For us to be uncomfortable is kind of the whole point of the Gospel. We've been at ease for too long hearing only what we want to hear as we know it'll leave our feelings feeling safe. But friends, there's far more than feelings on the line.

Problem is too few are willing to talk about it.

The bottom line is that Christ is returning and that day will have opposing outcomes for the two sides of society. One will find itself rejoicing as their peace has come putting to rest a life fairly void of peace or prosperity or popularity. The other will find itself face to face with the fact that they were wrong with only forever to feel it.

He doesn't want the latter for any, but that's a choice for all. You and I are here to make that choice clearly known by speaking the truth which carves that line between the world we're in and the home we've been promised.

We can't cross that line, move that line, bend that line in order to make it more accommodating to the things this world won't let go. If the truth hurts, let it. If people hate you for sharing it, let them. Doesn't matter.

What will matter is whether or not we stepped up to the task we're called to complete: The testifying to the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ who came to save sinners from the death their sins owed. Because like it or not, that death is still owed by every soul that rejects Him.

We're here to try and help people see the danger in that, even if it offends.

And yes, the Bible also tells us to make every effort to live at peace with everyone. To be kind. To be loving. To show compassion and grace. To speak and breathe and be in such a way that exudes as much of Christ as a broken people possibly can. We are to make every effort to live in peace even with those who don’t wish peace upon us.

But understand this; those efforts end when they ask us to compromise. Those efforts end when a fallen society’s demands insist we lighten up on the supreme seriousness of salvation. We will try as best we can to live peaceably, but that will not go beyond that line drawn by the truth. Because peace is great, but it’s worth nothing if it’s only found by selling your soul to those who demand you risk both theirs and yours for the lies that appease.

Again, live good lives, but not according to what this world thinks is good. This place doesn’t know good. They killed Him and clearly live as if they’d be good with doing it again.


  1. Replies
    1. Just no room for anything else if we truly want to get where only He can lead us.

    2. And thank you so much for taking the time to read all these!!


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