Day 2012 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

John 1:5 NIV

It can feel crushing. It can bring on feelings of doubt and fear. It can squeeze the joy and excitement out of our lives. It seems to always be there, some days closing in faster than others. The truth is that none of us are immune to darkness. Nobody is able to avoid the dark, dangerous, and plain old scary parts of life. And to make it even worse, we're travelling through a world that embraces wickedness. So I guess it's only inevitable to feel like we're on the losing side of this fight sometimes.

But nothing, and I mean nothing can ever extinguish the light that is inside of us. No amount of darkness can ever make light fail to exist and shine on. Sure, it can and will try. And some times it does a pretty good job. But if we're still alive, then we still have the opportunity to try. And if we're still trying, then we're not defeated. And well, if we ain't been defeated yet, then let's fight like we know it. Let's fight like we know we still have a chance to win.

The truth is like I said, no amount of darkness can ever make the light quit shining. So the odds don't really matter. We could be surrounded by the blackest of night and as long as we're holding onto hope, then the light won't stop shining. We could be beaten and berated by the folks who are lost in this world's dark ways, but as long as we refuse to bow down and accept defeat, then we still have a chance. And folks, as long as we're trying to do good and be the good people God created us to be, then you can bet that He's right there with us fighting the good fight as well.

Look, we all get knocked down, caught off guard, and overwhelmed by the bad things around us. We all have moments when our weaknesses speak louder than our strengths. We have those days where it just feels like we're behind the 8 ball with no idea of what to try or what to think. But through it all, that light inside is there and it always keeps us going. And even our own mistakes and weaknesses can't put it out as long as we get up, brush ourselves off, and try one more time.

Life's never going to just start being easy. The world won't wake up one day and decide to stop being foolish. The darkness in this place definitely won't just disappear, it's simply spread too far and too many people enjoy it's lies. But as for you and I, we shall stand firm and cling to the light of Christ living inside. We shall finish this battle, continually pushing ahead despite the odds seemingly stacked against us. Because at the end of the day, when all this is said and done, what separates the good from the bad is the unwavering courage to keep trying and refuse to lose hope.

So never lose hope. Never stop trusting Christ. Never let the ways of the world convince you that all hope, all goodness, all decency is lost. Folks, He ain't giving up His throne, so we can't give up the good fight of our faith either. Don't let anything coax you into putting your light out and giving in to the wicked ways around us. Again, no amount of darkness can ever stop the smallest light from shining. So shine on my friends, shine for Him!


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