Day 2239 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 11:23 NIV

Yep, more Romans! Why not? There is so much wisdom and guidance to be found in that book, almost to the point that we could do a daily post on just about every verse. This goes right along with yesterday's message. God is always reaching out to pull us back to Himself. We've wandered off chasing all this other nonsense. And well, we've payed the price in guilt and shame.

So the question I think we should be asking ourselves is why we wouldn't want better than that? Why would we not want to change? Why is continuing to live with all this regret good enough? Do we really want to continue to live apart from God and all His goodness and the promises that He has? Haven't we had enough of trying to find joy in all these other things and places that do nothing but disappoint us?

No matter how far we've wandered off or how much we've messed up there is always hope. Again, God is always there reaching out for us to help lead us to something better. But we have to open up and let Him. We have to turn away from our unfaithfulness and give Him all we have. Until we do that, until we reach the end of ourselves and truly want better then we're going to continue suffering the consequences of our poor choices.

There just isn't an excuse good enough to miss out on this chance at restoration. Sure, we might not feel worthy of such a gift. We may feel disqualified because of the sheer amount of our past stupidity. We can convince ourselves that this broken path we've travelled will somehow lead to something good at some point. But if we keep doing what we've done then the results will be the same. We'll just keep living this miserable life separated from our Father.

Friends, we have to get rid of the doubts. God really does want to heal us. He really does want to forgive us. He really does want to give us the promises that He has spoken. He really does just love us. Let Him! Let Him help you out of the miserable life you've lived apart from Him. What do you have to lose? Guilt, shame, regret, anger, disappointment, despair, hopelessness? Yeah, I think we're all good with losing those in exchange for His kindness!


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