Day 2240 of the 7 Day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 13:12 NIV

The idea that people like you and I can be a part of something so great, so big, so important is incredible. To have the opportunity to leave our sin filled pasts behind us and live for more is an unmerited gift. Reading through the last little bit of Romans last night and found this one that I think really speaks to what our focus should be. We don't know when Christ is coming back, but we should probably get ready as we're undoubtedly getting closer!

There's no doubt that there is a lot of darkness in our world. So many are lost in sins that people a hundred or a thousand years ago wouldn't have imagined! The things that we say, the way we treat one another, the deeds done in secret are pretty far from righteous or uplifting. A lot of things are broken and messed up down here. And each of us have gotten mixed up in some of it.

That's why it's time to do something different. Time to evaluate our choices, our actions, our words and get things lined out. I think we take the idea of Christ's forgiveness and salvation for granted. We assume that we can continue to be little heathens and do whatever we want. We think that we have this pass to fall back on when we do something we know is wrong. In reality, the cross isn't a hall pass to mess around. It's beacon calling us to stop the foolishness and live with some accountability.

As long as we continue taking sin lightly, we'll continue living in darkness. As long as we give what's wrong the power to control us, we will never know what it's like to live right. And while that may be okay for some, I truly pray that everyone comes to see sin for what it is and what it does. This isn't some game where we can do whatever we want and still get the happily ever after. This is real. It's life and death. It's our eternity. How can we take that lightly?

Jesus paid the price to cover our sins. What did we do with that gift? Did we allow it to change us? Did we use it as the lifeline that pulled us out of the darkness? Did we leave our old ways behind? Or did we just keep doing the very things that held Him to the cross? This isn't a game, it's a war. Time to stop living as a victim of sin and fight for the future that He opened up for us. There is no hiding our sins so we may as well deal with them. Why stay lost in the dark when He is calling us to something better?


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