Day 2253 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Corinthians 15:19 NIV

This one goes right along with what we talked about yesterday. Looking for joy, peace, hope, or satisfaction in any worldly thing is only going to lead to disappointment. Things don't last, so they can't offer us anything lasting either. Thankfully there is more than this world. There is more available to us than what our eyes can see or our hands can touch. We need to stop limiting ourselves and our hope to this world!

Reading through 1 Corinthians 15 last night talking about the hope of eternal life through resurrection. At some point all of this is over. This world and everything in it will fade away. Our lives have an expiration date that none of us know or can avoid. All of the things that we pile up around us will be left behind when our time is up. None of it comes with us to the next step of this journey. None of it! So we shouldn't place all that much importance on it now.

We need to stop looking only to the temporal things in life. The money, the titles, the fame, the possessions, none of it will matter when we're standing before Christ. This isn't some kind of reality show competition where the ones who obtain the most win. It's the ones who place their hope and trust in Christ that win in the end. It doesn't matter what we have around us, what matters is what we have inside of us!

If we live our lives as if this world is all there is then we're missing out on something big. We're missing out on something eternal! It really is a shame to think that this is all there is to this story. To think that life just ends and there's nothing after. To think that everything we do is done in vain without any point or purpose. But we all know that isn't the truth. There is a point. There is a purpose. There is a resurrection, a hope, a promise of an eternity with Christ!

So friends, think bigger. Live bigger. Believe bigger! Don't surround yourselves with a bunch of stuff that is meaningless. Don't put your hope or trust in things that can't possibly last. Don't limit yourselves to anything short of the promise and hope of eternity in Heaven. To have faith will always mean more than to have material things. After all, our faith in Christ opens up something that money just can't buy, something far bigger than this world!


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