Day 2258 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

2 Corinthians 6:14 NIV

We've been talking about how we need to stop trying to fit in and be like this world. It's one of those things that pretty much all of us have done, but it's never given us anything that lasts. Not only do we not gain anything from the effort, but chances are we're going to lose a lot because of it. We're going to have to trade away little bits and pieces of ourselves and our beliefs in order to be like everyone else and do what everyone else does.

What we need to understand is that when we turned to Christ, our lives were changed. Our sins were washed away by His forgiveness. Our pasts were taken away so that we wouldn't have them holding us back. He gave us His Spirit to lead us in a better direction. His light came pouring into our lives, chasing the darkness away that once held us captive. So things are going to be different. And the more that we pour into our faith, the more that we're going to change.

So by trying to be more like Christ while still trying to fit in with the world around us, we're trying to mix two things that don't blend. We're trying to combine darkness and light and find some kind of middle ground where we can have a little bit of both. That's not going to work because that's not how it's meant to be. His salvation should change us within. It should set us apart. It helps us see just how broken and messed up this place really is.

There is no middle ground. There is no mixing faith and worldly pursuits. There is no combining Christ and this earth. They're radically different. So we need to choose which side we're going to be on. And once we make that choice, well, then we make it again every single day by choosing to leave the ways of this place behind and not mingle in them anymore. If we don't, then we're never going to know the fullness of Christ!

The Bible tells us that bad company corrupts good morals. That's why we need to stop trying to mix the two. That's why we need to be careful who and what we surround ourselves with. We can think we're as pure and invincible as we want, but the things and people around us will have an impact on us. So we'd better make sure that we're surrounded by who and what pushes us closer to Jesus. If they don't then they're pulling us away. And that's never going to be good enough if we truly want to be followers of Christ!


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