Day 2429 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Colossians 2:8 NIV

Please don't trust me. Don't take everything you see or hear me or anyone else say or do to be 100% correct 100% of the time. We're all human and we all make mistakes. We all get things wrong. And we're all learning, or at least we should be. Sadly our world has stopped trying to learn. People have stopped looking into things for themselves. They simply let someone else do all of their thinking for them.

Friends, do we not understand how dangerous that is? Don't we see the damage that can do? If we only trust in other people to tell us what's right, what's true, what's important then what if they're wrong? What if someone is leading people astray with pretty sounding words and comfortable messages? What if we put our hope and trust in those that the Bible calls wolves in sheep's clothing?

Sadly there is far more of that going on around us than we realize. Our society today is so wrapped up in so many things that are simply evil and it has unfortunately started to seep its way into the church and the messages that people are being taught. Whether they mean to or not, some people are sharing messages and teaching things that not only don't line up with Scripture, but they stand in stark contrast to it. We can't settle for that because believing and trusting in something that goes against God's word will only lead us away from Him.

So much of what we're surrounded with anymore is nothing but human ideals and twisted perspectives. We've created a lot of religious nonsense that in no way pushes us any closer to Christ. That's why it's absolutely imperative that we learn to think for ourselves. It is far easier to just show up and sit in some building for an hour once a week and let someone else tell us what to think. But if we don't run everything through Scripture for ourselves then how can we be sure that those messages are pointing us in the right direction?

Friends, please study things for yourself. GET INTO GOD'S WORD!!! Read the Bible. Pray as often as you can. Ask God to lead you toward what is right and help you weed through the minefield of lies and wickedness that is only growing deeper and wider around us. This place is in rough shape. And that's why we can't simply sit back and let someone else tell us what to think. Doing that will very likely lead us astray because like I said up top, none of us are perfect. But if we dive into God's word, pursue His truth, and follow Him alone then we can rest assured that we're headed the right way.

There are a lot of really good people doing really good things and sticking to God's truth. And that is truly what I’m trying to do with these daily posts. To point it all back to Christ and the truth found in His word. To share the lessons and wisdom of the Bible because that book is our source of all the things we need to learn to help us be the people that God created us to be. It's our map through the land of the lost that our world has become. But it can only help us if we open it.

We have to stop settling for the easy path of simply following someone else. We may get lucky and find one of the true men of God who are leading people in what is righteous and holy. But we may fall in line behind someone who is only leading people according to what's popular or easy. Don't take that risk because your soul is what's on the line. That fact makes it perfectly clear why we should all study God's word for ourselves. Our eternal peace is one of the most personal and important things there is, so don't just rely on someone else to do your thinking for you. There’s simply too much than can go wrong that way.


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