Day 2436 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Ephesians 6:11 NIV

I've been hitting this topic of being careful what we let in and making sure our faith is built upon the truth of God's word because something dangerous is coming. It's absolutely crucial that we understand that those outside of our faith aren't just going to give up and stop being hateful and foolish. This world's penchant for sin and wickedness isn't just going to fade away. If anything, and the Bible makes this point pretty clear, it's only going to get worse.

We're headed straight for a war unlike anything we've seen in our lives. If you've read through Revelation then you know exactly what I'm talking about. The time for weak-minded and compromising Christianity is nearing its end. This Sunday-only kind of faith isn't going to cut it. The filth and evil around us will only continue to grow. People will only drift further and further away from God's truth and His calling for people to live righteous and holy lives.

Just look around, we're seeing all of this as we speak. People are trying to force their desires onto us. They're trying to redefine truth in order to fit their sinful preferences. Sin is running wild all around us and it is only going to infect more and more lives as the day of Christ draws near. That's why we have to figure out where we are in our walk with Christ, how important our faith really is, and how strong we are in that faith. It's going to be put to the test!

The devil is at war with the very truth that we as Christians are called to share. God's truth is the only thing that can open people's eyes to reality of sin and pull them back from the brink of damnation. Are we just going to lay down and let that mission go unfulfilled? Are we going to roll over and accept defeat because the world hates us for going against their desire to live in sin? Or are we going to make our stand and refuse to back down?

We have to put to death the sin and darkness inside of us so that we can better share the light of Christ and help people find their way to His salvation. If we can't even stand up and face ourselves then how are we ever going to stand against a world bent on sin and evil? If our faith isn't strong enough to deal with our own issues then how can we deal with those of the world around us? If we're built on anything other than God's word and His strength then we're headed for some serious problems as this place spins even more out of control.

Look, as I said up top, this world isn't just going to stop running away from God and trying to drag us along with them. The devil isn't going to stop leading people away from God with all of his lies and sinful delusions of freedom. So we're going to have to make our stand at some point. We have to find something inside of us that is unrelenting, uncompromising, and unyielding. If we don't, if we're not willing to stand against the evil and filth in our world then we're only going to end of on the wrong side of truth as we'll just be led by the fear of being hated or judged by the world around us.

It's time for us to find a place to make our stand. It's time for us to start gearing up and preparing for battle because it is coming. It's time to make sure that we're right with God by addressing our own sins and strengthening our relationship with Him. We can't afford to bow down to wickedness anymore. We can't afford to let this world push us around or tell us what we're going to agree with. This place is messed up and it will get worse. If we don't stand up against that then we'll only end up falling in line behind the rest of the sheep who are headed for suffering.

We have to find a hill to defend in the war that's coming our way. If that hill is God's truth then it won't matter what's going on around us because His truth will not be defeated. That's a promise!


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