Day 2438 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Peter 4:4 NIV

Whether we like it or not, whether we want to admit it or not, lines are being drawn in our world. In a way it's unfortunate. It's creating a lot of tension and unnecessary strife. It's ushering in even more hatred and division than we already have around us. But as unfortunate and uncomfortable as it may be, it's also something that has to happen because the Bible told us it would. So with knowing what we know and seeing it begin to unfold it's on us to hold tight to what we believe as it's about to be tested.

That's where the rubber is going to meet the road for everyone. It's quite easy to call ourselves Christians. It's easy to share Bible verses and go to church once a week. It's easy to stay focused on God when everything is going smoothly and we can stay on top of all that's happening around us. But when things start to get a little weird, when all of the sudden we find people not being so kind to us, and when our world tries to shove us around with the filth that it loves then we have to actually make a stand and prove that our faith is more than words.

Those days are already here! People on the wrong side of right are already pushing their wicked agenda on those who are willing to bend. The sinful are already crafting a new definition of truth that makes their evil deeds seem less dangerous and problematic. Folks are redefining simple truths, creating new movements, and perpetuating this pitiful downfall in order to meet their selfish and disgusting desires. And they're not going to stop. Once someone gives in and goes along with this nonsense then they'll see they can get by with it and that only fuels their fire.

So all this new-world woke weirdness is only going to grow. It will only lure more people in with the illusion of freedom and superiority. It will only encourage sin as it caters to the fleshly desires that mankind has. It will sell this access to popularity and acceptance that will suck people in as that's what our culture thrives on these days. And it will use hate and fear to remain in control as they think it will silence anyone who disagrees or won't play along by forcing them to stay in hiding.

Them's the facts folks. Now we can ignore it. We can avoid it. We can pretend that it's all just a fad that will fade. We can hide out in the shadows whispering the truth and sharing God's word quietly so as to not rock the boat and face the wrath of the wicked. Or we can choose to live by faith, share the Gospel without hesitation, and refuse to compromise with the evil that is encroaching upon us. Make no mistake our calling to share the Gospel will bring hatred and ridicule from those who prefer sin. It won't be comfortable or easy. But it shouldn't matter.

As this verse is telling us, this messed up society won't like anyone who goes against them. They will curse, belittle, berate, judge, throw stones, and try to silence any and every voice that stands up to their attempt to overthrow all that's right and decent. So we're going to face more backlash and hatred than anyone would ever want to endure. But when we look at all that Christ went through on our behalf then it makes being called some nasty names seem not quite so bad after all.

We have to ask ourselves just how far we're willing to bend. How far are we willing to be pushed by the evil in our world? How much are we going to compromise with the wicked desires of a world that's headed for destruction? It would be easier if the world just stopped being idiotic and humbled themselves before God. But that's just not going to happen. So friends, it's time to strengthen our faith and grow as close to Christ as we can possibly get because the road ahead is looking rougher as this world descends further away from God.


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