Day 2441 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 1:16 NIV

I think so many in our world reject the idea of sin because it forces us to admit our imperfections and accept the fact that we're not without blame in all of the mistakes we've made. The reality of the Gospel hits us right in those places that we've spent so long trying to ignore or hide because they reveal our true nature. They point out that we're flawed, corrupted, broken, weak, and prone to being led around by things that we're in no way proud of. That's hard for us to admit.

You see, our world is built upon this idea of perfection. We're surrounded by people who pretend that they never make mistakes or get anything wrong. Just the very thought of admitting a mistake brings this fear of rejection, disappointment, and disapproval that so many can't bear to imagine. And considering the reality that our sins and mistakes is a central aspect of the Gospel, well, you can see why many struggle with it or just reject it altogether.

I think we're so used to thinking that our mistakes will bring rejection that we expect God will do the same. We think that He will turn away, shake His head, or be angry with us because of our flaws and weaknesses. So rather than admitting our failures and asking for His forgiveness, we just sweep it all under the rug so that we don't have to deal with the fear of His anger. We settle for staying where we are, even though we know it's not where we want to be, all because we're afraid that He will turn us away.

But none of that could be further from the truth. The fact that Christ came to this earth and hung on that cross proves that God's love is big enough to bridge the gap that we've created. There is nothing to fear. There is nothing to be ashamed of! It's all just one more example of how we've learned to see things from a worldly perspective that we need to forget because it only holds us back from the gifts and opportunities that we've been given.

The Gospel doesn't show God's anger or hatred toward us. It doesn't talk about how we're all condemned because of our sins without any hope of forgiveness or second chances. The Gospel points out the very real truth about our sins in order to help us understand the gravity of what God has given us in Jesus Christ. The Gospel helps us understand that God is willing to forgive us because He does love us even though we will never deserve it.

So friends, there is nothing to be afraid or ashamed of. There is no reason to wait on turning to God, laying down all of your guilt and shame before Him, and humbly accepting the gift of salvation that He offers to every single one of us. The bottom line is that the Gospel isn't just about how we're all bad people who deserve to suffer for eternity because of our sins. It's also about how God loves us with a perfect love that is more than enough to wash away all the offenses that we've committed against Him so that we can avoid the damnation that we truly deserve.

Please don't let shame get in the way of your salvation. Yes, it stings to admit that we're messed up and make mistakes every single day. Yes, it goes against everything we've been taught to think when we admit our imperfections and bring our guilt into the light. But friends, there is freedom in doing so! There is freedom in letting God take all that weight of guilt and regret off our shoulders and giving us His peace and the promise of an eternity in Heaven in return. Don't wait! Bite the bullet, swallow your pride, and let the healing begin!


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