Day 2485 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Hebrews 4:12 NIV

Kind of going along with yesterday's post a bit, I got to thinking of reasons why people don't or won't read the Bible. And I honestly think one of the main reasons is the honesty of it. God's truth doesn't pull any punches. It doesn't leave us any room to remain comfortable. It doesn't conform to what we want to hear or validate the desires that we have. It proclaims the truth no matter how bad it hurts.

And people just don't like that hurt. We like comfort. We like hearing that we're doing a good job. We like being told that our best is good enough. We like thinking that we can manage to do everything we want to do, no matter how sketchy we know it is, and still find our way to eternal peace and happiness. We want to think that we can do everything on our own without needing any help. And forgiveness? Well, you don't really need forgiveness when you don't do anything wrong! Right?

That's probably the biggest hurdle that the Bible demands we get over: This idea that we haven't done anything wrong. This delusion that tells us that our mistakes are just tiny little problems that don't really pose any danger lets us feel more comfortable in our selfish sinful ways. And that's exactly what people want. To just be left alone to do as they please. They want to enjoy this version of freedom that allows them the comfort of thinking that there are no consequences, no responsibilities, and no issues with anything we want to do.

But that doesn't match up with what the Bible teaches us. Much of what we've thought, or believed, or preferred just doesn't fit the Bible. So that leaves this massive issue to address. If we're right, then the Bible is wrong. And if that's our perspective, then we've got bigger problems than we ever realized before. If we're not willing to consider the possibility that we've royally messed up, then we're probably not going to like what God's word has to say.

Like I said, the Bible doesn't pull any punches. It tears us apart. It cuts down into those hidden places where we've hidden our sins and shame so that nobody can see the regret we really have inside. It tears open our excuses and lays open our faults so that we're forced to address our issues without being afforded the easier path of just hiding or ignoring it all. The Bible helps us see just how wrong we've been in doing things our way and living like there are no consequences to our actions.

And that is just not what some are willing to deal with. But that's a choice we all have to make. We can stay the same. We can remain where we are. We can keep living life the way we see fit and ignore anything and everything that reminds us that might not be okay. But if that's the path you choose, please know right now that it is not limitless. It is not carefree. It will not help you find the truest form of freedom. It's comfortable. It's easy. But those feelings won't last!

Anyone who has read through the Bible has found those verses and passages that just hurt. They make us see things a different way than we have ever seen them before. It makes us realize all the mistakes we've made and just how far we've really fallen from who we were made to be, who we should be. And yes, that kind of truth does hurt. But that pain invokes change. It inspires growth. And it will make us better for having the courage and the humility to face it instead of trying to run and hide.


  1. That truth can change our lives and without it we are foever ruined.

    1. That needs to be a shirt or a poster or something! Love it!!


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