Day 2489 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Proverbs 9:9 NIV

I will never understand what so many find so unappealing about learning. It’s something that starts at a young age. It's not hard to find a child who hates school. We all had a subject we loathed, maybe a few. But it doesn't just apply to school. The whole concept of learning is clearly off-putting to many, and sadly you can tell that many have stopped trying altogether. I'm pretty sure that's because it flies in the face of this mindset that so many love: The idea that we already know it all.

When we think we know it all we stop trying to learn more. We don't think we need to. We don't understand what else there is to know, after all, we already know everything right? That kind of arrogance is something that many find comfortable. It allows people to relax, to stop trying, to avoid the sting of humility. It affords us this ease of staying where we are and not having to put in any effort to be anything better.

There has been so much settling done in each of our lives that we've quite possibly forgotten that there is more. There is more to learn. There is more to experience. Each of us have a truly unlimited capacity for growth and improvement, but sadly we risk never knowing that because it requires us to admit that we don't know everything. It requires us to humble ourselves to the truth that we still have plenty to learn, to fix, to do better.

But that's a mountain too steep for some to climb. Friends, why stop? Why accept where you are? Why call this good enough when there is more out there? Our world is fascinated with the seemingly limitless appeal of sin. It offers us the chance to do anything we want without holding anything back. We think that's where we find unlimited freedom. If we really want something that's unlimited, wisdom is where we should be looking.

There is no end point. There is no maximum capacity. There is no storage limit to how much we can learn and how far we can go following Christ instead of ourselves. If we could just set our minds to always learning something new, always finding a way to do something better, always striving to improve ourselves then we would find that there are more possibilities down that path than there ever were along the path of sin's delusion of freedom.

It's just one more choice that each individual has to make for themselves. Are we going to call where we are intellectually and spiritually good enough? Are we satisfied with what we know as of right now? Are we so afraid of humility and hard work that we're willing to settle for something lesser just to avoid them? Or do we truly want to experience the fullness of what God can teach us? Do we want to become who He made us to be or simply what we find good enough?

It'll always be easier to settle. It will always be easier to convince ourselves that the here and now is plenty and that we don't need to keep going after more. But friends, if we choose to settle for good enough then we're placing a limit on ourselves and our potential. We're limiting what God can do in us and through us because we start closing doors that we don't have the courage, strength, or interest in stepping through.

It's your choice, but please don't choose the path of least resistance. It's also the path with the least reward.


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