Day 2501 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 31:22 NIV

Why do we get so blinded by our circumstances? That is probably the biggest problem that each of us deal with when it comes to our faith. It's like we get to this point where we can't see anything but the giants in front of us. And doing so is what causes doubt and fear and worry to start building up inside. So it's no wonder that we all struggle so much.

I guess it's just a matter of becoming too focused on what we see and losing hold of what we can't. That right there is what prevents so many from even dipping a toe into a life of faith. We've become so accustomed to only believing in what we see that it's hard to wrap our minds around trusting in something that we can't see. It's hard to understand how it works. It's hard because it demands our trust.

That's a massive hurdle for basically everyone. Trust is a very heavy, very powerful, very important thing. And let's just be honest, we've all had our trust shattered before. We've all had our trust taken advantage of before. And once you realize that being disappointed and hurt is possible then it makes trusting a little bit harder. But as hard as it may be, when it comes to our faith we don't have any other choice. Trust is one of the cornerstones that everything else is built upon.

It is scary because we have to let go. We have to stop focusing on what we can see and allow hope some room at the table. We need to understand that what we see is only a single part of the whole picture. We don't see what God's doing. We don't see a way through the battlefield ahead of us. We don't see how things can possibly work out. We don't see a conclusion that doesn't include our demise.

But folks, we can either keep looking at what we're faced with and worry about how everything is going to fall apart or we can have faith that it won't. We can keep allowing our minds to only imagine the worst possible scenarios or we can allow our hearts to trust in what God has planned. Make no mistake, it's not easy and it's not going to change what we will face moving forward. But it will change how it all affects us. It will change how we react when things get a little sideways.

We're going to face trials in life. It's just part of the process. But we don't have to make them harder or scarier than they already are. We don't need to let doubt convince us that God's not there to help. We don't need to give our situations the power to instill fear in our hearts. And we definitely don't need to ever let ourselves start questioning where God is and why things happen. He knows what He's doing and He has a plan in mind that is worth enduring whatever it takes to see what He sees.

Losing our minds and questioning our faith when life gets hard will never help anything in any way. But knowing that God has never and will never leave us and that He hears every prayer and understands every emotion will help us in more ways than we can imagine. So why not live by faith and not by sight? Sight only tells us how bad things are, but faith reminds us that what we see doesn't matter because there's always more going on behind the scenes.


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