Day 2529 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

John 3:30 NIV

I guess it's just because we're the ones that are stuck with us. We're the ones living our lives. We're the ones carrying our hopes, our dreams, our problems, and our pasts. We wake up every day to another day of our lives as the person we've been with the focuses that we've been chasing. So I reckon that it's only natural that we make our lives about us so often. But as we all know, that can lead to some issues.

When we become focused on what we want then we quickly start realizing all that we don't have. We notice all the things that have eluded us up until this point. We start feeling this lack of contentment and joy that comes from not getting our way or laying our hands on all the things we want. Before long we only see what we don't have and forget to realize all that we've been given.

Or maybe it's our problems and struggles that we've been dealing with. Maybe we get consumed with all these feelings of frustration and aggravation from a life of trials and challenges. We all want life to be easier. We want to skip the hard times that come our way. We want to be able to coast along this smooth road all the way to the finish line. But that's not how this works, we all know that. But when we focus on our problems then we just might forget all that God's already gotten us through.

Or maybe it's all these dreams we have of a picture-perfect life that always goes our way. We get it in our minds that we know what's best for us, and anything less, anything different just won't do. Then when life inevitably goes differently than we hope, we might go so far as to wonder if God just doesn't hear our prayers or care about what we've been dreaming of for so long.

Whatever the case and whatever the reason, we really need to stop making everything all about us. That's not how any of this is meant to go. Yeah, we're the ones stuck being us and living our lives and dreaming our dreams. But that doesn't mean that we need to become so self-absorbed that we reach this point where we're the ones on the throne and anything that challenges that illusion of our sovereignty immediately ignites this anger inside that blinds us to just how wrong we've gotten it all.

Whether we like it or not, God's the one on the throne and our lives are going to unfold as He's written them to go. The more we try to make it about us the more we're going to struggle. The more we focus on what we want and how we want things to go the more stumbling we're going to endure when things go differently. As long as we make ourselves the priority we're going to have a much harder time than it ever needs to be.

Friends, we have to get ourselves out of the way and understand our place in this story. We don't call the shots. We don't know what's best. We don't know what we need. We don't understand what's happening all the time, let alone why it's happening. So maybe instead of only living through our eyes we should learn to trust God and His ways instead. After all, His will is going to be done whether or not we like it, whether or not we're ready for it, and whether or not we're able to understand it.

He must become greater in our lives because He is the One who truly knows what's best and it's His plans that will be realized in all of our lives. We can't allow ourselves to miss seeing all that He's doing and all that He has given us because we're focused on our own ideas. He is far too good and His plans are far too good for us to become convinced otherwise. Don't do that to yourself. A little humility will do far more for us than our arrogance and pride could ever imagine!


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